Chapter 52 Making Progress

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. Opening the door I walked up, seeing Phil dressed and ready to go out, sitting on the couch.

"Hey need a hand?" he asked, getting up but I shook my head.

"I'm good. I'm gonna get dressed and we can go." I murmured, clothes in my bag for today.

Ignoring the frown on his face I walked past him, heading to the bathroom and changing quickly. Adding some make-up I nearly looked back to normal, dark circles covered but I couldn't bring myself to smile. Braiding my hair I pulled on the white beanie Seth got me for Christmas and walked out, stuffing my old clothes into my suitcase.

"AJ is going to meet us at the restaurant." He told me, and I nodded, shoving my glasses back on my face as I picked up my phone and wallet.

"Alright, so car or taxi?" I asked, slipping on my leather jacket.

"Car." He nodded, and I walked out, Phil following.

I didn't know what to say as I let him lead me to a black car, unlocking the door and letting me slid inside. Doing up the seatbelt I tucked my phone and wallet under my leg, glasses hiding my eyes as Phil started the car up, glancing over at me.

"I take it, it didn't go well." He commented, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road.

"No it did not." I said calmly, wanting to attempt to keep things civil.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he murmured, glancing over at me.

Taking my glasses off I threw them on the dash, letting out a shaky breath before turning to face him. My hand was clenched on my lap as I tried to control my anger.

"Look don't take offense but I was just forced away from the three people I care most about in this world and you basically were the one doing the forcing." I said firmly, seeing the frown on his face, "I'm gonna need a day at least to deal with this."

"I'm sorry." He apologized and I sat forward again, resting my elbow on the window, "But the way you feel about them is the way I feel about you. I don't get to see you, or hang out with you, or talk to you like I used to. I just want that back."

"I get it but this isn't the way to do it, this just pisses me off." I sighed, grabbing my things as we pulled up to the restaurant, AJ standing outside.

Unbuckling I stepped out, AJ coming to link arms with me as Phil followed behind us. I hoped AJ found the note this morning as we were led to a table, thankful it wasn't busy at this time. Sitting I rested my phone and wallet on the table, AJ sitting next to me and Phil opposite me. It was silent as we ordered drinks and food, the tension thick as AJ played with her cutlery, Phil running a hand through his hair.

"If you want this to work, no more lying." I finally broke the silence, both of them looking up at me, "That's what broke us apart the first time."

"No more lying." Phil nodded eagerly, AJ listening interested.

"I'm not just talking about me either Phil." I said softly, glancing at AJ, "I understand that it must be weird sitting here with both me and AJ but I get it now. You love her and that's fine."

"I'll be honest it is a bit surreal." Phil nodded, reaching for AJ's hand, linking fingers.

"Ok but I am serious no more lies. If we are going to try make it work out than we all have to be honest so I will start." I sighed, leaning my elbows on the table, "My first priority will forever and always be Roman, Seth and Dean."

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now