Chapter 67 From Peace to Panic

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    We were back at the dinner table again, and I was hoping this time it would go well. I was seated next to Dean this time, Seth straight across from me and Roman sitting by his dad. Roman's dad was about to say grace and I took her hand, holding out my other for Dean's. Slipping his hand over mine we ducked our heads, barely able to focus on the words as the huge turkey sat in the middle of the table.

"So let's hear you guys now." He announced as we all straightened up and I remembered their tradition.

"Uh...what?" Dean asked, looking a little confused.

"We have a thing at Easter here where we give thanks, almost like thanksgiving but on Easter." He explained, his mom smiling.

"I'll start." She piped up, "I'm glad for my families health, and to my husband. Also I'm thankful for my son who has 3 of the best people in the world surrounding him. I'm also happy to say I'm hoping for grandbabies soon."

"Mom." Roman whispered, and Seth, Dean and I all looked down, keeping the smiles covered.

"I'll give this a shot I guess." Seth spoke up, looking a little nervous, "I'm thankful for my family as well, for Roman's family who has accepted me into their home and for the three sitting at this table for me. My brothers and Lila who, try as she did to hate me, ended up caring more than I deserve sometimes."

Sliding my hand over the table I squeezed his hand before sitting back, Roman sitting up straighter in his chair.

"I too am thankful for my family and my parents." he announced, his mom blowing him a kiss, "Also to my brothers, who have stood by me for years now. And finally to my baby girl, who is stronger than she gives herself credit for, a true Samoan warrior."

I flushed, Roman's mom patting at her eyes with the napkin and I saw him look away, a bit embarrassed. Dean looked vaguely uncomfortable and I gave him a reassuring look and he took a breath.

"Thanks to Roman's parents for having me here." He rasped, voice unsure and I smiled gently, "To my brothers, who stick by me even if I get crazy."

They held out a fist, Dean bumping them before he turned back to me, ice blue eyes holding a warmth I hadn't seen in a while.

"And to Lila who is nearly as crazy as I am, but reminds me daily that it's alright." He finished making me chuckle, bumping my head against his shoulder.

I didn't say anything about the fact that he didn't say a word about his family. I knew he had his own situation and I learned not to ask anymore unless he brings it up first.

"I'm thankful, first and foremost always, for Roman." I glanced at him, seeing his face go serious, "For dealing with my crazy moods and stubborn attitude when anyone else would give up on me."

"I'm thankful for my family," I said softly, seeing Dean glance over at me, "Not the one I was born with but the one that I chose. TO the two men who pissed me off and made me fall in love with them at the same damn time. And finally for Roman's parents, who loves me more than my own do."

It was a bit silent after but it was a good silence, each of us taking in each other's words. After a moment the turkey was cut and we dug in, the conversation flowing smoothly.

We made it back to the bus without much of an incident on Monday afternoon. We were late as usual and had to rush around to make it to the arena on time, seeing RAW already under way. It seemed to be our thing now that we were always late a bit. Snatching up I time sheet I scanned it, looking for our matches.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora