Chapter 55 Kharma is a...

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   We all turned to see a tall, incredibly good looking guy walking towards us. He had on blue skinnies, Chuck Taylors and a band tee with a black leather jacket. His hair was slicked back and a grin graced his full lips. Seth must have known him since he walked up, both of them pounding each other's backs before grinning at each other.

"Where you been Graves?" Seth asked, looking flushed with happiness, "I haven't heard from you for like a year."

"Travelling for the show, family shit, you know man, the usual." He shrugged, walking up to us, "I haven't been up to speed with you and the boys so I thought I'd come catch up."

"Well we've added to the group." Seth began, and Dean dropped his arm, shaking his hand and then Roman as well.

Corey looked down at me for a second before a shocked expression flew across his face. His skin was dark, making the green of his eyes stand out more. Despite the almost comical expression on his face he had an aura of danger and I was instantly intrigued and I felt a familiar pulling, like I knew him.

"Holy shit you're Lila." He cursed, holding out a hand, "I'm a huge fan of yours."

"Thanks." I smirked, taking his hand in a shake before letting go.

"Sorry, I just remember you from NXT and you and Roman both were there so briefly I ever got a chance to meet you." He explained and suddenly I remembered him, "I can't believe you're back."

"You're Corey Graves. I remember you now, the saviour of misbehaviour if I'm not mistaken." I teased, seeing a flush come to his cheeks, "You're good. I remember you back then as well."

"You didn't tell me you knew her Seth." Corey admonished, gazing at the half blonde man next to him, "This chick was the best Diva I'd seen in the ring in a long time."

"Was?" I raised an eyebrow and my title, seeing him smirk, "I'm still the best."

"And an ego to match." Dean chimed in, making me smack him in the chest.

"You got time after RAW to come hang out?" Seth asked him and he nodded, hands in his pockets.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta. Shield...

"Sorry boys, that's my cue." I grinned, rotating my neck before walking off, holding my title.

Standing at the top of the stairs I realized Kharma was already in the ring, having completely missed her entrance while talking to Corey. Holding up my title I jogged down the stairs, getting my adrenaline going. Leaping over the barrier I handed the title to the ref, stalking around the ring. I had to keep moving as I jumped into the cage, feeling a flicker of worry go through me as I faced the large woman. I tuned out everything else, focusing on her and I barely heard the bell ring. I knew I was in for the fight of my life as she charged, barely giving me time to side step. I kept that up for a few minutes, effectively wearing her down. Seeing an opportunity I lunged, hitting her with a clothesline, barely doing any damage. She staggered but didn't drop and I blew out a breath.

15 minutes later

I was exhausted and had barely put any damage to her. I was sluggish as we locked arms, trying to knock her off her feet but she threw me into the ropes, hitting me with a shoulder and knocking me flat on my back. Rolling out I landed hard on the floor, pressing my heated cheeks to the cool floor. I closed my eyes, only to have them fly open when she grabbed my hair, dragging me to my feet. I could hear the ref shouting but that didn't stop her from running with me, slamming my face into the cold steel. I yelped, alternating from trying to pry her hands from my hair and protecting my face. After a few more shoves she let me fall. I cradled my face in my hands, feeling the stickiness above my eyebrow. I knew in an instant I was in trouble. My eyebrow was dripping blood and I could see it all over my hands. Pushing to my feet I turned and threw my shoulder into her with a shout of rage, running till we hit the steel. Jumping I laced my fingers though the fence and driving a knee into her gut multiple times. As I was going for one more she grabbed it yanking me down. I let out a shout of pain and I felt something in my hand pop. Kharma staggered to the apron, leaning on it as I cradled my hand. I knew I had to keep going and I ran at the ring, sliding across the apron, shoving my feet into her so hard she landed on the steel steps. After having her dominate most of the match I felt a bit of hope flare up as I grabbed her and threw her in the ring as best as I could with one hand. Jumping up I pushed through the throbbing agony in my hand and climbed up the ropes, hearing the crowd roar their approval. Turning back I launched my whole body in an arc, only able to see out of one eye and landing a moonsault on top of her. The landing caused a whole lightning strike of pain to lance up my arm but I threw my good one over her, the ref dropping and hitting the three count. I rolled away, landing on my knees, cradling my hand under me.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum