Chapter 41 Vickie

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    I could feel my mouth drop open slightly, Roman's hand on my back in an instant as the color drained out of my face. I watched as they played her music, Vickie walking out in a black dress and heels, looking only a bit older than the last time I had seen her. Groaning I covered my eyes with my hands, rubbing my forehead before looking up.

"We are so fucking screwed now." I growled, putting my hand on my hips as Seth and Dean looked towards me.

"Why?" Seth asked, glancing from me to Roman.

"We," I pointed at Roman and myself, "Have a long history with that...cow. Unfortunately for us that means the tag team titles might be a bit more work than I had hoped for and at lot more trouble for me."

"SO what?" Dean shrugged, leaning forward to look at everyone down the line, "I'm sure the boys got this."

"I'm not worried about her." Seth scoffed, a grin on his lips.

"Ya just wait." I rolled my eyes, seeing her taking a mic.

"Denver it's good to be back!" she shouted, hearing the crowds applaud slightly, "So I just want to say that I have been a little behind on what's been happening since I've been gone but Brad here, I'm sure, will be a huge help in letting me know what's going on in this company."

Brad looked a little flustered at being out in the ring but he quickly hid it, nodding vigorously at Vickie. She turned back towards the crowd, eyes going hard as she held the mic tightly.

"I want to thank Kane as well for letting me take care of his job while he deals with his problems," she nodded and he smiled brightly at her, "I know what dealing with a problem like her...I mean this is like. Things will be held now with an iron fist, no more of this vigilante business. I've heard things since I've been here already and I know that the one I am talking about is listening backstage right now."

In a split second I was fuming, my cheeks going flushed and my eyes narrowing. I was barely aware of anything other than the woman on the TV who was looking way too smug for my liking.

"I know after this warning she will listen and fall into line like a good girl should." She continued and that was it for me.

"Holy fuck." I dragged my voice out, turning and grabbing my title, snapping it around my waist.

"Where are you going?" Roman asked, stopping me before I could reach the door.

"I don't let anyone talk about me like that Roman you know this," I snapped, eyes liquid silver, "Especially not her, so either you come with me or you let me go."

"Definitely with you." Dean jumped up, looking pumped at the idea of a fight.

"Dean you're not helping." Seth groaned, teaming up with Roman.

"She is right though," he pointed out, title around his waist already, "We don't let people talk smack about each other, she's not any different."

Roman and Seth let that sink in, and I gave Dean a look of thanks. He threw me a smirk, flashing those dimples at me and I turned back towards Roman who was looking conflicted about letting me out.

"I bet she doesn't even know I'm with you guys." I pointed out, crossing my arms, "She left after I did and I'm guessing you were already a group by that time."

"Fine you go out the ramp and we'll come down the entrance, give them a spook." Dean widened his eyes dramatically, looking wild and I grinned, Roman moving his hand to let me out.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now