Chapter 51 The Only Way

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I woke up early, slipping out before AJ was up, leaving her a note thanking her. Heading to the arena, I held onto my bag as I walked across the lot, seeing Phil just coming back from his morning run. He spotted me and turned slightly, coming to meet me with a wary smile on his face.

"Feeling ready to talk yet?" he asked, hands on his hips as he walked next to me.

"I want to talk." I nodded, seeing the hope flare in his face.

We walked to his bus, going inside as Phil followed, shutting the door behind us. The bus looked the same, more things strewn about but still neat and I sat at the table, bag set at my feet. Phil sat across from me, hands clasped in front of him as the silence stretched on between us.

"I want apologize for everything." He began, hand clenching on the table, "I don't know where my head went but having you hate me is the worst thing that's ever happened to me."

"It's alright. I came here to tell you that I forgive you." I announced, seeing him look up with a grin.

"Really?" he asked, brown eyes wide.

"Really." I confirmed, sunglasses firmly in place, "It's the past and it should be left there but Phil I need to tell you something. I'm not going to be happy without Roman, Dean and Seth."

"You were fine before." He pointed out, a frown growing between his eyes, "It can just go back to how it was and you can be Lila again, on your own."

"That's the thing Phil, I'm not who I was before." I shook my head, needing him to understand, "I found a place where I belong. I belong with Roman, and Seth and Dean."

"So you want to go back?" he sighed, raking his fingers through his hair.

"I'm here to ask, no to beg, you to let me go back." I reached out a hand, putting mine on top of his, "I don't want to spend another night like I did last night."

Taking my glasses off I set them on the table, turning my gaze to him letting him see my dark rimmed, red eyes. He gazed at me, looking tormented and I stared back unwaveringly. He took my hand in his, holding my cold hand in his warm ones.

"2 weeks with me. If I can't change your mind you can go." He pleaded, looking desperate, "Just no seeing Shield and let me try fix our friendship, please."

I leaned back, thinking about it for a moment. If I did this there was a chance I could get my life back to normal, but I didn't know how it would affect my relationship with the boys. Taking the chance I looked up from our hands.

"2 weeks and if I don't feel the same you let me go." I stared at him, seeing him break out into a smile.

"I promise." He nodded eagerly, squeezing my hand.

"I have to get my clothes from the bus but I'll come back afterwards." I told him, standing up.

"Maybe we can go out and get lunch, I'll let AJ know." He nodded, grabbing his phone.

"AJ can come." I blurted out, seeing his phone drop to the table.


"Where do you think I stayed last night?" I said with amusement, throwing my shades back on and walking out of the bus.

I was dreading this conversation but I knew it had to be done as I walked past row after row of buses till I found the biggest one. I remembered the first time I saw this bus and how against going in I was at the time. Now I would give anything to be able to stay there again.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora