Chapter 82 Starstruck

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I was barely listening to the interview, letting Roman and Seth do the talking. How no one knew they were at odds was beyond me, both of them trying to one up each other. I felt a slight tingle at the back of my neck as I heard the crowd cheer loud and I glanced around. A single solitary figure in black made me freeze. Lila was staring straight at me, a smile curving her blood red lips as I took her in. Her normally crazy hair was tamed, falling over her shoulders. The dress she wore though blew my breath away. I had no idea about dresses but all I knew was that it was hugging every curve, making me shift almost uncomfortably. Not for the first time I felt the palms of my hands go slightly damp as her eyelashes fluttered over her eyes before finding mine again, the complete trust in them making my collar tighten.

"So I thought there was another member to your team?" the guys asked and I turned to him.

"There is." I nodded, Roman and Seth turning to me, "I'll go get her."

I left it at that, Seth and Roman watching me walk away.


I watched Dean say something to the interviewer he was talking to before walking towards me. I started forward slowly, making sure I didn't trip on the hem of my gown and Dean met me halfway. He held out a hand, giving me support as I clung on to him.

"I was getting a little worried when I couldn't find you." I admitted, still having to look up at him but only slightly.

"We were right there the whole time." He chuckled, blue eyes staring at me.

"Ryback and Bo Dallas was hiding you." I grinned, sticking the tip of my tongue out.

"You look very, very beautiful." He murmured, tucking my hand in the crook of his arm, "I don't really have the words."

"And you look very handsome in your monkey suit." I said cheekily, using his words against him.

He smirked, his dimple flashing down at me and we heard people call out for pictures. We stopped both of us posing for pictures before moving on, heading towards Roman and Seth. I felt better now that I had someone with me and my smile was more real then forced now. I could see Seth swallow harshly, Roman gazing down at me adoringly. Dean left me in the middle of them, going on the other side of Seth as the interviewer gaped.

"You look stunning Lila." He called out, regaining his composure as I turned my silver gaze on him, "September marks the one year anniversary of you joining Shield, tell me how it has changed you?"

"It hasn't really changed me as much as I thought it would." I mused, thinking about my answer, "I'm still me but with these three I have found something I didn't know I was missing."

"So what is next for the Shield?" he asked.

"Not sure yet." Dean shrugged, hands in his pockets, "I'm sure our little ringleader has something up her sleeve though."

"Oh is she the leader?"

"No one is the leader. We all play our parts which is why we are the most dominant force in history. We don't get hung up on who's leading who. The only titles we have are the ones we came here with." I denied, keeping my voice light.

"You mean the powerhouse, the architect, the lunatic fringe and the wild card?" he murmured, checking his notes.

"Exactly." I nodded, blinking a bit in the flashes, "We live up to those names."

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu