Chapter 66 It Wasn't The Whole Truth

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Roman and I had just made it back in time for dinner the next day, both us flushed and exhilarated. Surfing was one thing we loved, being out on the water, surrounded by the ocean. We left our boards and wetsuits outside, walking in through the kitchen. My hair was wrapped into a bun and I had white, flowing pants with a halter top on. The weather was beautiful out and I could feel the sun still warming my skin, Dean and Seth sitting in the living room when we walked in.

"I still can't believe you guys did it." Seth called out, making us turn as we sat at the island.

"I can't believe you two were gone all day and didn't stop for lunch." His mom scolded, hands on her hips as she stared at the two of us.

"The waves were too beautiful to miss Mama." I protested, seeing her face soften.

"This is why your so skinny." She pointed at me and I grinned, chewing my bottom lip.

"Well no fear, I'm sure you'll make sure I go back with an extra 20 pounds on me." I teased, seeing the smile start in her eyes.

"At the very least."

Seth and Dean joined us, as we watched her cooking a delicious smelling chicken stir-fry. Dean leaned over and I glanced up at him, wondering what the hell he was doing.

"You smell like the ocean." He commented, blue eyes flickering over my face.

"That's usually what happens when you go surfing." I retorted, seeing him stick the tip of his tongue out at me.

As she dished out food onto plates she shooed us all to the table. Grabbing cutlery and napkins we sat down, pouring lemonade into glasses. His parents joined us and we dug in, myself being especially hungry since we surfed all day. The flavour explosion on my tongue was insane and I tried my hardest not to shovel food in my mouth.

"That's what I like to see." Roman's mom beamed at me, making me flush.

"I'm trying to eat as ladylike as possible." I admitted, swallowing before I talked.

"Doesn't matter, I like seeing you like this," she said softly, "Not like before, all skinny and pale."

"At Christmas?" Roman frowned, and I froze, realizing what she was talking about.

"No when she was having those troubles..." she trailed off as she caught sight of my face, "Or Christmas."

The silence at the table was instant, nobody moving or eating. Roman's mom looked increasingly guilty and even Roman's dad set his fork down. Sighing I set my own fork down, doing a sweeping glance around the table.

"You came here didn't you?" Roman asked, looking at me across the table.

I didn't say anything, I knew my face was enough of an admission. He leaned back in the chair, throwing his napkin on the table before running his hands over his face. Pursing my lips I blew out a breath, Seth and Dean both staring at us.

"I'm sorry, I thought they knew." Roman's mom apologized to me, and I patted her hand gently.

"They do." I nodded, Roman staring at the both of us, "I didn't say I came here first."

"Jesus Lila really?" Roman exclaimed, making both of us jump, "You came here before me too?"

"I came here before I went to Jeff." I said softly, seeing everyone's eyes on me, "I came here because I was going to you. I told you I thought about coming but I couldn't."

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