Chapter 77 Disaster In New York

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   "So you two already went out yesterday and found your jewellery?" I raised an eyebrow at their guilty expression.

They had been acting suspicious all morning and they had finally admitted they went out last night when I went to dinner. They had found gorgeous necklaces to go with their dresses, leaving me to do my own shopping.

"We're sorry but there is this amazing Central Park horse tour that we wanted to go to." Brie bit her lip, looking upset.

"It's totally fine." I waved them off, giving them a reassuring smile, "I've been to New York a lot. My dad worked her, my brother is here. You guys go have fun and I'll meet you there afterwards or back here."

"Are you sure?" they asked, all of us getting up, purses over our arms.

"Absolutely. Go enjoy your time here. I've got this." I nodded.

We filed out of the room and out through the lobby and into the street. There were two cabs and we each took one, heading in opposite directions. I shifted in my seat, watching the people on the street behind my sunglasses. I had been texting the boys all day, Seth and I talking about our relationship. I told him that I was going to talk to Roman before deciding anything and he agreed with me. As I pulled up to one of the nicer jewellery stores I paid and got out. Pushing my glasses on my head I walked inside, only seeing another couple looking at rings. A man walked up to me, a huge smile on his face.

"How can I help you miss?" he asked, seeing me glance around.

"I'm looking for a necklace. Something simple to go with this." I showed him the picture on my phone, "I was thinking something in a dropped chain."

"Absolutely. Follow me." He nodded, steering me towards a case in the far end of the store.

HE stepped behind the glass, pulling out a few displays with gorgeous necklaces on them. Touching one I tried to imagine it with my gown and I rejected it, too much for the simplicity of the gown. Moving on I rejected the other two, not seeing anything I liked. He raised a finger at me, signalling me to wait and I stood there, hearing the door chime. I didn't turn, glancing down at the rings on display. I held my hand out, wondering if I would ever wear a ring on my finger and I brushed off the thought. He walked out with two boxes, unfolding them in front of me. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the second box open. It was a simple necklace, 3 stones hanging down, and the first starting at my clavicle. It was something that would complement and not overshadow my dress.

"That one." I pointed, feeling victorious.

"That is a lovely choice." He commented, folding it back up, "I will be right back, I'm just going to see these gentleman here and I'll ring you up."

"Perfect." I nodded, pulling out my phone.

I wasn't focused on anything until I heard the shouting coming from behind me. It was one of those moments in life where I knew something terrible was happening but it wasn't processing. Turning it felt like slow motion as I saw the man with the gun pointed at the clerk. MY adrenaline kicked in and I froze, standing there.

"Put the phone down!" he shouted, face, covered in a mask.

It took a moment for what was happening to process, then I realized they were robbing the store. I began to slowly put my phone down when it rang and I heard the bang before I felt anything. The impact knocked me back into the display, glass shattering and I fell heavily. My head bounced off the edge of the counter as someone screamed and the door chimed. My whole body was shaky and my vision was blurry from hitting my head. I could see someone's face in front of mine and I tried to focus in. IT wasn't a concussion but more the shock.

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