Chapter 37 Tattoos & Accidental Tattling

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    Walking inside we set the bags on the island, hearing footsteps coming quickly. Dean and Roman came out from the living room, seeing the bags and lighting up like it was Christmas all over again.

"I knew I smelt food." Dean exclaimed, clapping Roman on the shoulder before coming to help us unload.

"How was the game?" Seth asked them, sitting on the counter as I slapped Dean's hands from the bag, making him sit and sulk.

They got into an animated conversation, even pulling a pouting Dean into it and soon all three of them were in a state. I half listened as I passed out chopsticks and boxes, opting for Chinese food tonight. Throwing the bag on the floor we sat down, breaking apart our utensils and digging in.

"So what did you two do while we were at the game?" Roman asked, struggling to pick up his rice.

"Lila went and got tattoos." Seth blurted out and I mentally winced, seeing Roman fling rice across the table.

"What?" he coughed, covering his mouth.

"Ya I went and got a couple tattoos." I admitted, digging in my box of noodles, "I've been wanting them for a while and my buddy was around and willing."

"Where?" Dean mumbled, eyes flickering towards me.

"I'll show you guys later." I promised, stuffing my face.

"I never saw you as a tattoo kind of girl." Dean commented, grabbing food from my box, stuffing it in his mouth.

"Well you never know, plus I already had two that no one noticed so..." I trailed off, sticking my tongue out at him.

"No way!" Roman denied, eyes flickering over me, "You have one I don't know about?"

I let out a smirk as I stuffed my face with noodles, chewing quickly. Seth had a grin on his face as well and we finished up quickly, the boys knowing I wouldn't say anything else till after we finished. Throwing the boxes back into the bag, we all cleaned up quickly, heading into the living room to relax. Roman sat next to me, an expectant look on his face.

"Ok come on." He waved a hand towards me, "Let's see, there's no way you have tattoos that I didn't see."

"She does." Seth chimed in, making them look towards him, "I didn't believe her either."

Pulling my hair over my left ear I turned it towards Roman, hearing him let out a soft chuckle. Dean leaned forwards and I turned a bit to let him see as well. Roman moved my ear a bit to get a good look.

"OK I remember those. I forgot about those." He rolled his eyes. "What about the new ones?"

"I got one after this one though." I admitted, seeing Seth give me an encouraging look, "But I got these ones today."

I stood up, lifting my shirt up to show them the one on my ribs. Instantly Roman let out a bark of laughter, Dean smirking as he read the words. It was still a bit red around the edges but it looked great.

"So accurate." Dean laughed leaning back.

I turned around before pulling my shirt over my head from the back, revealing the other one on the side and I heard Roman get up. He was right behind me as he inspected it, touching my shoulder gently as Dean joined him, checking it out.

"That had to have hurt." Dean murmured, and I turned to look at him with a nod and wide eyes.

"Oh you have no idea." I blew out a breath.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now