Chapter 40 Another Problem

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   After being at home for a week, wearing my Shield gear felt good and the boys seemed to feel the same. We were walking down the hall, all four of us in a row. Seth, Roman, Dean and me at the end made our way to the promo area, wanting to be the first to challenge the Wyatt's. Renee was there and as she caught sight of us she looked a bit nervous and I felt weird, not used to being this intimidating.

"Ladies and gentleman please welcome my guests at this time...The Shield." She announced, and we crowded into the shot, two of us on either side of her.

"So first thing I want to comment on, what was basically a kidnapping that ended your match with a disqualification in your favour," she began, and Dean shifted foot to foot, restless, "Are you worried about being back here with the Wyatt's and their ominous threats?"

Before I could say anything Dean grabbed the mic, startling the hell out of Renee.

"No one here is going to have to be worried about what those bearded backwater freaks are going to be doing after tonight," Dean growled into the mic, holding the mic loosely.

"And it was a kidnapping, plain and simple," Roman chimed in, face dark and angry, "Lila was taken against her will by those three and that doesn't come without consequences."

"We follow the path of justice and this falls under our jurisdiction." Seth rumbled into the mic, his voice raspier than normal, "The Wyatt's should have thought about that before stepping up to us."

"Lila, how are you feeling about all of this?" she asked, noticing I was silent on the side.

My hair was wild and curling around my head like usual, makeup enhancing my silver eyes and my pouty lips stained crimson. Lifting my eyes slowly I gazed over everyone before turning to the camera, eyes liquid silver.

"I feel like they don't realize what a huge mistake they made," I began slowly, keeping my voice low to catch everyone's attention, "They made a huge mistake in messing with the Shield, not just me but all of us. The hounds of justice are nipping at your heels Bray, so all I have to say"

I used his own words against him as we walked off screen, still feeling a bit shaky. My match was coming up next and we walked through the halls, going to wait at the entrance.

"Your kind of scary when you want to be." Seth blurted out, making me turn to look behind me at him.

"They piss me off." I admitted, holding the sides of my vest with my thumbs, "I'm probably not making it any better for you guys."

"NO that was good, don't worry about it. Focus on your match." Roman shook his head, "I'm coming down tonight, you two keep an eye out."

They nodded and walked off together, leaving Roman and I to stand near the entrance. With a start I realized this was the first time since I was back that Roman and I had walked out together, just the two of us.

"You ready?" I stood next to him, saying what I always used to say to him.

"Always." He nodded, knowing what I was doing.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta. Shield...

I walked out first, Roman standing next to me and we stared at the crowd, at the top of the stairs. Roman held out a fist and I brought mine down on top of it, throwing him a smirk. We started down the steps, both of us on either side of the railing.

"Doesn't this look like a blast from the past!" JR commented, hearing him as we got close to the barrier, "The last time we got to see Lila and Roman Reigns walk in together was over 6 years ago!"

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now