Chapter 50 Not Where You're Supposed To Be

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     "Lila!" I heard AJ in my dream, my whole body shaking, "Lila someone's banging on the door!"

I managed to crack my eyes open, feeling the grittiness in my eyes from the tears. Someone was pounding on the door, shaking it on its hinges and I jumped up, seeing AJ's wild hair and wide eyes. I felt a flicker of fear go through me as the pounding continued. Padding across the room I put my eye to the hole, jaw dropping when I saw the copper head looking down.

"Jesus." I murmured, unlocking the door and opening it, Dean falling into me.

I grabbed him quickly, the smell of booze, cigarettes and perfume wafting up to my nose. I heard AJ let out a noise and she came to help me, Dean stumbling against us. AJ went to shut the door and I did my best to get Dean to the couch. Without warning we stumbled, landing in a heap on the floor. I was on my knees, Dean's head resting on my shoulder and he lifted his head, eyes glassy but bright blue.

"What are you doing Dean?" I cried softly, brushing his hair from his forehead, "Why are you banging on my door at 4 in the morning?"

"I think the question is why do I have to bang at your door at this time?" he slurred slightly, adjusting so his cheek was resting against my chest, "You shouldn't be here, you should be in the bus with us."

I groaned, wrapping an arm around his head, leaning my own on his. Despite the booze and the obvious sex smell I could still smell him. He reached up, holding my arm tightly and AJ knelt next to us, looking sympathetic. I brushed my hand through his hair, feeling him calm slightly against me.

"AJ grab my phone and call Roman please." I whispered, feeling him shift next to me.

"OK I'll go in the hall." She nodded, knowing people would be wondering what was going on.

She grabbed my phone and when she opened the door I could see people standing outside. He was leaning on my legs making them cramp but I couldn't move if my life depended on it. Closing my eyes I felt the tears start again, dripping off my cheeks, one landing on Dean's hand. The liquid made him move, head looking down in surprise and then up at me. His hand reached out, touching my cheek and then down at his fingers in worry.

"I never know what to say to you when you cry." He mumbled, struggling to his knees, pulling me up with him.

"You never have to say anything." I shook my head, voice cracking, "That's why it's easy being around you because I don't feel like I have to pretend to be ok."

"That's better then what I do." He groaned, leaning his head down onto my lap.

"I don't want to know." I objected, knowing I wouldn't be impressed.

"No, you don't." he agreed, making me wince.

I could hear AJ talking to people outside and I sighed, taking the opportunity to enjoy contact with one of the boys. He lifted his head when I sighed, eyes trying to focus on my face and I held his face between the palms of my hands. Staring at him I committed every detail to memory, the scruff across his jaw, the bright blue of his eyes and his earring, glinting dully in the lamplight.

"You know what, I don't even care. I get a few more minutes with you and I'll take it, drunk or not." I shook my head, eyes wide as I searched his face.

Without warning he pushed through my hands, lips finding mine and I closed my eyes, feeling that familiar exciting explosion blow through my head. I could taste the beer and whiskey on his tongue, hand buried in my hair as he moved to his knees, leaning over top of me. Running my hands up his chest I linked them around the back of his neck, pulling him closer if possibly. Running my fingers through his hair I felt the short strands slipping through my fingers and I thought of Seth. Pulling back my eyes opened, seeing Dean gazing at me in wonder.

"I gotta let AJ in." I murmured, letting my arms drop and he sat back on his feet.

Scrambling to my feet I let a knocking AJ in, seeing her worried face and I turned to see a swaying Dean. I let out a sigh as I sat back where I was, pulling him against me, his back pressed against my chest as I held him across the chest. AJ sat next to us as I leaned my cheek on his head, Dean holding my arms tightly, not giving an inch. The tears were falling down my face slowly, falling into Dean's hair. We waited there and after a short amount of time someone knocked on the door and AJ walked over and opened it, revealing an exhausted and worried looking Seth and Roman. They saw Dean and me on the floor, walking past AJ and crouching down next to us.

"He just showed up here out of the blue, nearly took the door down." I shrugged helplessly, lifting my head from his.

"We've been looking for him for hours." Seth told me, running his hand over his frizzy hair.

"He left right after RAW." Roman informed me, brushing the wet streaks from my cheeks.

Closing my eyes I leaned my head back on his, feeling him move slightly on top of me. I knew if he stayed any longer he would pass out and it was killing me to see them. I let go of Dean, fighting against his hands which were clutching on to me and he sat up, turning to look at me.

"You guys have to go." I said quietly, seeing the confusion on his face.

"I don't want to go." He shook his head, slurring even more with tiredness.

"I know." I nodded, voice breaking, "But you have to, your killing me."

Standing up, Roman grabbed his arm and I helped him to his feet unsteadily. Seth came up next to me and I let him help him, standing back as they walked towards the door, Dean shaking them off to walk on his own. I pressed my lips together as they stood at the door for a moment, looking at me with sad eyes. AJ came to the door as they walked away, shutting it behind them and I closed my eyes.

"That was...intense." AJ commented, taking my hand and leading me back to my bed.

"It just hurts worse now." I admitted, closing my eyes against the pain in my chest, "It's an open wound and that was straight salt poured into it."

AJ made a sympathetic noise as she held my from the side, rocking us gently from side to side. It was a long time before I felt calm enough to go back to bed. I knew Dean didn't mean to but he made it worse for me to try and think things through about what I was going to do.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card Seriesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें