Chapter 38 Did It Really Not Mean Anything?

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    After everyone had calmed down we all had a nice supper, the boys only slightly less talkative than normal. The couple had taken off a little while after, Lisa promising to come see me off at the airport tomorrow morning. It was late now, the moon high in the sky as I sat on the armchair in my room by the window. I had a fleece throw over my legs, thinking about the huge dilemma kissing the two of them had caused. The room was dark as I heard a door open in the house, footsteps slowly walking down the hall. I heard the floorboard creak outside my room door and I held my breath as they stopped. There was a moment pause before I heard a soft knock.

"Ya." I called out quietly and the door opened, revealing a wide awake looking Seth.

"Can I come in?" he asked, hand on the doorknob.

I nodded and he walked in, shutting the door gently behind him before coming to sit in the chair across from me, his hair frizzy around his head. He only had a pair of black sweats on, feet and chest bare. The only light in the room was coming from the moon and it illuminated half his face and that half looked conflicted.

"What's wrong?" I asked, studying him.

He let out a chuckle, hands resting on his stomach as he stretched out his legs, feet near my chair. I had no idea what was so funny to him but I stayed quiet, waiting for him to speak.

"Did it really mean nothing to you Lila?" he asked, an almost sad smile on his face.

"Seth..." I groaned, sitting up, my feet landing on the floor next to his.

"Just answer me please." He murmured, staying in the same position.

I blew out a breath, glancing out the window into my backyard. I knew by now I had stirrings of feelings for Seth but Dean had the same affect only all it would do would cause drama within the group and we couldn't handle that right now.

"I guess that answers that then." Seth sighed, getting up to go.

"It wasn't 'nothing' Seth." I blurted out, making him stop and look at me, "But wrestling comes first for me right now, and we can't afford for this group to crack, not right now."

"But it did mean something to you." He pressed, sounding hopeful.

"Of course it did, drunk or not," I nodded, "I don't know at what point I started caring a bit more than I should have but I did."

"I know when I did." He told me, still standing up, "When Roman sent me out to protect you and you turned around and grabbed that chair. I tried to stop you and do you remember what you yelled at me?"

"I told you we are Shield and we don't hide outside the ring while our team fights inside." I repeated, seeing him nod.

"I think it was right then I knew you were someone special," he admitted, holding out his hand to me, "I just had to know you felt the same."

Putting my hand in his I let him pull me to my feet, the blanket pooling around my feet. He pulled me towards him, our chest nearly touching and I looked up at him, seeing the emotion in his eyes and wondering how I missed this.

"I care about you, you know that." I began, not sure what to do, "I just can't do this right now."

"I understand that," he nodded, lacing our fingers together, feeling a tingling start at the tips, "But when you can do it, will you?"

"Can we deal with Roman?" I asked, seeing him frown slightly, "And the repercussions from that?"

"I'd face him for you." He decided, making me flush, "You're worth it."

"Flattery will get you everywhere Rollins." I grinned.

"I know, that's what I'm counting on." He smirked, making me roll my eyes.

He leaned down and kissed my cheek, his cologne drifting up my nose and I closed my eyes. He smelled heavenly and I leaned closer instinctively wanting to get closer. My eyes fluttered open and I could see him looking down at me, brown eyes intense.

"Screw it." He mumbled, bringing his hand up to the back of my neck.

Suddenly he was kissing me and my eyes drifted shut, head tilting back to let him deepen the kiss. I reached up for him, one hand delving into the hair on the back of his neck, the other sliding up his arm. Seth's skin was smooth and I felt his teeth graze my bottom lip, sparking a flame through me. Standing on my tip toes I pressed myself against him, feeling his arm snake firmly around my waist, holding me tightly. His tongue was caressing mine, my knees shaking and I could feel his hands slip under my shirt, fingers dragging across my skin and I broke away, taking a deep breath. Seth's breath was drifting quickly across my skin, making me shiver.

"Wow." He breathed, burying his head in the crook of my neck, breathing in my scent.

"No kidding." I agreed, heart rate elevated.

"What are we going to do?" he mumbled against my neck, his beard tickling my neck, making me laugh.

"We just keep doing what we're doing now," I chuckled, feeling him smile, "And hope things calm down after a while."

"And if I keep kissing you when I can get you alone?" he threatened, leaning up with a mischievous look on his face.

"Let's play that one by ear and hope for the..." I tried to say, only to get cut off by his lips once again.

His lips were attacking mine, as he held my waist firmly. Running my hands across his chest I walked gently towards the door till he was back against the wall, his lips moving from my mouth and down my throat, following the column of my throat till he found my pulse, pounding under the skin. Grabbing the door handle I opened it, leaning back with a grin.

"Hope for the best was what I was trying to say." I whispered, "Go to bed."

"Night doll." He whispered back, kissing me once again before slipping out with a huge grin on his face.

Shutting the door behind him I leaned against him, wondering what the hell I was getting myself into. Filing it away I crawled into bed, touching my slightly swollen lips as I covered up, closing my eyes.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now