Chapter 22 Admissions

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. I looked longingly at my garage, knowing my baby was in there, waiting for me. Ignoring the longing I jumped in with her, letting her drive to Mark's work place. He had a fifteen minute break apparently and she wanted to spend some time with him today. He was a lawyer and she was incredibly happy with him which I was glad for. Pulling up to the building we grabbed coffee at a stand in the front, the warm cup keeping my fingers warm. There wasn't snow yet but it was still nippy out. We waited and I saw her face lit up as she spotted him, it took me a few minutes to recognize him, having been a few years since seeing him. She took off towards him, kissing him lingeringly on the lips as I waited behind a bit, feeling a bit awkward. Pulling away he took the coffee before turning to look at me, his mouth dropping a bit as he recognized me.

"Wow Lila, it's been forever. How are you doing?" he asked, giving me a quick hug before returning his arms around his girlfriend.

"Ya it's been a while, I'm great. Living life." I shrugged cheerily.

"How long are you home for?" he asked.

"A few days. 5 more days and then I head to Phoenix for Monday Night RAW." I explained, shivering as the wind ripped through me.

"And where did you come from?" he asked politely, seeming genuinely interested.

"I flew in from Salt Lake City and before that I flew in from Florida. I went home for Christmas." I revealed, hearing him let out a low whistle.

"Wow that's quite a bit of traveling." He nodded, seeming impressed, "You must do quite a bit in your line of work."

"Oh absolutely," I nodded, Lisa smiling at the both of us, thrilled we were getting along, "IT's just been because of the holidays, usually we travel in the bus, driving from city to city."

"Ok whoa." Lisa held up a hand, "You travel with Shield?"

"Ya." I laughed, knowing where her mind went," It gets a little hectic. Bathroom schedule is a complete disaster some days when Seth can't get his damn hair right."

"You travel with guys? What's Shield?" Mark questioned, looking confused between me and Lisa who was lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Shield is my group. There are four of us who work, travel and wrestle together. Me, Roman who is my best friend, Seth and Dean." I explained, seeing him nod.

"Wow that's gotta be quite an experience." He commented.

"Some days, most of the time it's great. Wouldn't change a thing." I chuckled, knowing what he was thinking.

"I'd love to hear more about this but I don't have much time right now, I've got a case." He admitted, checking his watch.

"Well how about dinner tonight? Lisa's coming back to the house and it's been a long time since I've had an opportunity to use my kitchen." I offered, seeing them exchange glances.

"That sounds amazing. I would love to. I'll come over right after work then. Around 7 I believe I should be done." He contemplated, looking over his shoulder before kissing Lisa, "I have to go though. It was nice to see you again Lila."

"You too Mark, see you tonight." I waved as he turned back to the building.

"Well let's go get some shopping done then. I want to hear all about the bus." she wiggled her eyebrows, grabbing my arm.

"You just left your boyfriend, you crazy woman." I laughed out loud, jumping back into the car.

She jumped into the driver's and pulled out into the traffic, weaving through Seattle expertly. Being back here I looked around, feeling content and at ease, the only damper was not being with the boys.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora