Chapter 86 Open Challenges and Moments in the Gym

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    I have been away for far too long. I apologize sincerly and hope you can all forgive me. This story will be ending soonish lol. I hope. 

On another note. Wrestlemania 33. Did anyone else just completely DIE when the Hardy's came back?!? I can't even. Still right now, weeks after it happened I still can't. They were my first loves in wrestling and the feels are back in full swing. Expect a Hardy fan fic coming soon.

 All my love.

Charlie x

After winning against Charlotte, we were all standing in the ring the only one with mic's was me and Dean. We had a last minute meeting in the locker room, deciding to issue an open challenge for the tag team titles, Dean already going up against Batista and myself against Paige. The crowd was finally calming down as we all stood there, titles in hand.

"Ladies and gentleman of the WWE Universe." I called out, catching everyone's attention, "You are looking at the most dominant force in this industry."

They leapt to their feet, clapping and cheering, raising the roof. We had decided on Dean and myself on the mic because we were the ones who were the best at getting under peoples skin.

"You are also looking at the most bored force in this industry." I continued, holding up my title, "We have faced everyone and anyone the Authority and Vickie have thrown at us and we're still standing here your United States Champion!"

I pointed at Dean, hearing the crowd cheer for him. As they calmed down I raised the mic again holding up my title, "You're Woman's Champion!"

The crowd was on its feet, and I grinned, holding my title up to each side of the arena. Putting it back on my shoulder I raised the mic up again, turning to stand on the side of Roman and Seth.

"And your Tag Team Champs!" I held out my hand, the crowd reaching new heights of excitement.

Stepping back we waited till they calmed down, Dean pacing around the ring, his own mic gripped in his hand. I leaned against the rope, bouncing slightly as I grinned, gripping the mic.

"So now instead of letting the Authority try and run the show, we're taking over." Dean growled into the mic, captivating the audience and myself, "Open challenge, right here, right now to whoever thinks they can take on the Tag Team Champs."

"They have powered through everyone Triple H and Stephanie have sent their way. Evolution, Lucha Dragons, Prime Time Players." I spoke clearly, moving towards the middle of the ring, standing next to Seth.

"Don't forget about Rybaxel and of course the former champs themselves The Usos." Dean grinned, glancing around.

"You know you'd think we'd have the Kane coming at us but apparently I was right when I told him all those months ago he was hiding behind his suit." I mused, keeping my tone amused, "He even gave up his job to come at us but I guess we're just too damn good."

"But let's not drag this out." I held up a hand, facing the stage, adjusting my title, "There are more important things to be done."

"So anyone who is listening in the back who dares to face the hounds, "Dean drawled into the mic, swaggering forward a bit, "You want some, come and get some."

Dean took a few steps back, all four of us forming a line in the middle of the ring. Dean, Roman, Seth and I stood there, waiting for someone to walk out, knowing who it was going to be. I could feel the restless anticipation rising in me and I shifted foot to foot and we knew we won when the stage burst out red. The flames shot up and I grinned, knowing I got under his skin when Kane walked out, NA Outlaws right behind him. He had a mic in his hand as they walked up to the ring, climbing the apron and stepping in the ring. Kane was glaring at me and I just smirked, tilting my head to the side. We were face to face, having to tilt my head back to see their faces.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now