Chapter 13 Saving Christmas Eve

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Christmas Eve.

I tugged the hem of my dress slightly, feeling more and more like an ornament on display than a human being. My mother had decided to host a Christmas Eve party and I was forced to dress up and play socialite to my mother's friends and their children. There was a mixed crowd, people my parents age and then people around Jackson and mine ages. To my mother's obvious disappointment I was drinking straight scotch, taking after my father instead of dry martinis that she preferred. I was standing with Jackson and my mother, seeing my father across the room, talking to some of his friends and I never in my life felt more bored. Tonight I had on a one shoulder crimson dress, my hair up in a French twist. The sleeve was billowy on the one side and I kept on my necklace, defying my mother at every chance I could get. There were a few more people joining our group and they kissed my mother on either cheek.

"Jackson this is the man I was telling you about. He was very interested to see your designs last time you were down." She gushed, letting them introduce each other with a handshake.

"You're quiet a talented man but then again so was your father." The man complimented and I saw the pride on my mother's face.

"And who is this lovely woman?" he wife asked, motioning to me, "We haven't see her here before."

"Oh this is my daughter October." She introduced, instantly looking wary.

I held out my hand to them both, shaking quickly with a bright fake smile for their benefit, "It's lovely to meet you both."

"Oh so stunning Grace." The woman gushed, "I can't believe I missed that. They look nearly identical. Tell me October do you follow in your mother's footsteps like Jackson did your fathers?"

I could feel my mother tense up instantly and she butted in before I could even think about opening my mouth.

"She followed a different career path than me." My mother shook her head.

"Forgive me for asking but who is Lila?" the man asked and the atmosphere changed in a second, "I couldn't help but notice the beautiful necklace you have on."

My mother turned to me and I could see the terror in her eyes. Going from bragging about Jax to begging me not to say anything had brought my mood to an all-time new low. My hand was clenched around my glass as I turned to face the couple, a forced smile on my face.

"Oh I guess my mother must not have mentioned me that much since I am the black stain on the family name," I said cheerily, seeing the smiles freeze on their face, "I'm a wrestler, I've been with the WWE for 9 years now. Actually right now I'm the Woman's Champion but it's never enough for Grace Carmichael I guess. IF you'll excuse me."

I left them standing there as I walked to the bar, heels clicking across the floor as I splashed more scotch into my glass. I could feel someone come up next to me and I turned to see Jax looking down at my glass with disapproval.

"Don't start on me Jax you heard her. October chose another career path. IT was all good bragging about you but god forbid anyone bring me up." I warned, taking a shot and refilling it again.

"October stop. You're not a stain on the family name you know. Mom just doesn't get it." He put his hand over my glass.

"Ya and she never will. I just want to go back to my life and my friends and the people that give a shit about me." I stated firmly.

"I care." He said softly, looking a little hurt.

"I know you do Jax." I sighed, throwing an arm around him, "I'm heading to my room but I'll be down before midnight for the countdown. I just can't be around her and all her damn judgmental friends."

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