Chapter 60 Food Fights and Main Event Matches

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    The days had been flying by and today I was at the doctor's office, sitting on the examination table as I waited for someone to come look at my hand. I hadn't looked at it in a while and as the doc walked in my heart skipped a beat before speeding along.

"Miss Carmichael, what can I do for you today?" she asked, putting my chart down and glancing at my hand.

"I need to be medically cleared to wrestle." I explained, seeing her nod, "I dislocated two of my knuckles, no breaks or tears through."

"Alright, let's see what we got here." She nodded, coming to unwrap my hand.

It was yellow, and it felt good to let it breathe after being bandaged for that long. She flexed each finger and I was pleased to say I had no pain, only slight stiffness. She rotated each knuckle as well and I grinned, feeling no pain there either. After a few more simple tests she nodded, going back to sit at the chair and scribble something on the paper.

"Well seems to me like your basically good to go. I'd recommend a day or so of exercise and you are good to go back to work." She smiled, and I checked the date.

IT was Thursday which meant I was good to go back for Monday Night RAW in Little Rock. I thanked her and walked out, flexing my hand at my side. With a smirk I jumped into Jeff's truck and drove through town, heading to the store. Now that I was good to go I grabbed a bunch of different fruits and vegetables, paying quickly as I sent a text to Shannon and John, telling them to meet me at Jeff's. Cruising through town I made it back there before them, seeing Jeff walk out into the porch as I grabbed the boxes of produce, seeing the recognition in his eyes.

"I'll tell Matt to bring the camera equipment." He called out, bringing his phone out and texting quickly.

Grinning I handed him the box, going to grab the other one and both of us walking to his backyard, setting them down by the shed. Running back into the house I went upstairs, changing into a white t-shirt, leaving my loose jeans on. I knew this was going to get messy and I pulled my hair up into a high bun before heading back down, running into Shannon and John by the living room.

"You ready?" I told them, holding up my hand and seeing the excitement on their faces.

"You're going to get it this time for what you did to us." Shannon threatened, following me out and seeing all the stuff, "What is this, an all-out war?"

"I guess after a while ya." I nodded, seeing Matt walking across the lawn, coming around the side of the house.

He had Kimo with him, carrying a camera and as we met up I gave Kimo a hug. Reaching down I picked up a tomato, tossing it up and down with a mischievous look on my face. Jeff threw his sweater with Matt, both of them wearing white wife beaters.

"I'll go first." Matty decided and he walked to the opening in the shed, holding his crotch.

Kimo was behind me as I whipped the tomato at him, exploding on his chest, making everyone burst out laughing. Jeff was next and it went down the line, each of us throwing a vegetable or fruit of our choosing at him. We went through each of the guys, getting harder and harder with the throws and I was nearly crying from laughing so hard. Finally I stepped up, turning and facing the shed.

"Oh payback is going to be sweet." I heard Shannon crow, making me wince as I tensed my back.

"Just throw the damn thing." I called, making them laugh.

IT was just a moment's until I felt the sting of something hit my back, my shirt instantly sticking to my skin. IT wasn't as bad as I remembered and I turned back, throwing him a cocky look.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now