Chapter 100 Dean's Home.

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The airport had been a complete and utter scene of chaos, people rushing around, coming and going and Dean had slipped my arm around his, making sure he didn't lose me in the pandemonium. I was happy to get out and there and into the cab, heading towards the bright lights that were glaringly obvious in the darkening sky, the sun setting slowly behind us. I could feel the first flicker of excitement as we got closer and closer to the bright lights, the last time I was in Vegas was when I had turned 21, myself, Lisa and a few other friends tearing through the town. I hadn't been back since then and I as we finally made it into the city I couldn't help staring out the window, the millions of neon lights glaring down at me.

"I really enjoy peoples faces when they come here." Dean commented from next to me, making me turn and see him watching me intently, "I can always tell who is coming here for the first time."

"It's actually not my first time here." I grinned, seeing him raise an eyebrow, "I did the obligatory 21st birthday in Vegas. Never came back though."

"Vegas won that round?" Dean chuckled, and I flushed, remembering the long, tired, awful flight home after that.

"Vegas definitely won." I agreed, the amusement coloring his voice contagious.

Sitting back I was intent on watching the sights go by but as we turned down a street I was mildly disappointed as we made our way to the outskirts of a more urban area. The houses were nice and more sparse the further we went. Curiosity was getting the better of me as we pulled up to a nice house, not too large but not small, all the lights off. Dean was paying the driver and I followed suit, getting out of the car and grabbing my bag from the trunk. The cab drove away, leaving Dean and I standing on the sidewalk, looking up at the house.

"Is this your house?" I finally asked, looking between him and the building in front of us.

"Yupp." He nodded, throwing his backpack over one shoulder, "It's not much but it's home."

"I love it." I said softly, seeing relief flash across his face, "It's very you."

He started up the driveway and I followed him, waiting patiently behind him as he opened up the door. It was completely dark now and the house was dark as well until he flipped the lights on, sending the room into view and I was mildly shocked. The outside of the house didn't give away the beautiful interior, modern yet rustic, almost like my house was and I immediately felt at ease. Dean walked in, and realized I wasn't following him. Stopping he looked back and motioned for me to follow with a tilt of that copper head. Moving with him I followed him down the hall to a door, waiting as he opened it, leaving his bag in the hall and walking in. The room was done up in blue, a deep blue and I looked around, loving it already.

"My room is right across the hall." He motioned, the door literally 2 feet away and I nodded, going to sit on the bed, sinking into the fluffy mattress, "You have complete freedom here. Nothing's off limits. There's also a gym downstairs if you want to use it, it's just been sitting there."

"You don't use your own gym?" I grinned, leaning back on my elbows, feet dangling off the edge of the bed.

"I prefer doing other things to work out." He grinned, the blue of the room making his eyes darker then normal, "If you want, I'll show you tomorrow, if you think you can handle it."

"I think I can." I nodded, intrigued by how much more relaxed and open Dean was when he was on home turf.

"I hope you brought running shoes then." He nodded, and I nodded back, thankful I threw them in when I was pretending to pack, "I thought maybe tonight we could stay in, just make a light supper and start the week off tomorrow. IT's been a long day...if that's alright with you?"

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