Chapter 71 Standing Tall

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    Both my title and Deans were lying on the ground as I leaned against the apron, eyes focused and wide on the scene in front of me. Dean had eliminated both Damien and Sheamus, leaving him with McIntire. Usually it would be an easy win but Dean was tired, and I could tell his shoulder was bothering him. At the moment McIntire had him in a cross face, putting pressure and I was slamming my hands on the mat, trying to pump him up. Suddenly he rolled, throwing McIntire off before rolling away to the opposite side of the ring. The ref was checking on Dean and McIntire was about to bounce off the ropes near me. Taking a shot I brought an arm out, tripping him and stepping back quickly. McIntire jumped up, turning on me with a wicked glare.

"Stay out of this woman!" He shouted, going red in the face as I kept an innocent face on, "You don't want me to come out there do you?"

I let the amusement fill my eyes as Dean got up, running up behind him and throwing him over the ropes. I knew I had to stay out of it and Dean ran back at the ropes, launching into a suicide dive, hitting him against the barrier. They both dropped and Dean struggled up, throwing McIntire back into the ring, climbing up to the top rope. I watched with bated breath as he launched himself into a missile drop kick, McIntire landing flat on his back. I could feel my breath coming quicker as the Dean covered him, the ref dropping. My head nodded with each count till the bell rang, signalling the end of the match. Dean rolled away, resting on his back as McIntire rolled out, looking furious. I slid in the ring, landing on my knees near him and I couldn't help the excitement flowing through me. I grabbed his head, holding him tightly as his arm held my arm and shoulder, both of us breathing heavy.

"Champ still." I grinned down at him, seeing him blinking up at me, sweat dripping off him.

"Was there any worry?" I smirked and I rolled my eyes, handing him the title before hauling him to his feet.

Holding his wrist he held the title in the other, both of us grinning widely. Suddenly I felt people behind us, Roman and Seth appearing behind us, throwing arms around both of us. Seth had his arm around Deans chest, pounding his shoulder and Roman had his forehead pressed to Deans. We all backed up, Seth and Roman picking him up, Dean holding up the title. It had been a long match, nearly 25 minutes and I knew he was tired. Unfortunately mine was next and I was just planning on staying out here, not wanting to deal with the stairs again. Dean dropped down and I glanced at the three of them.

"I got this one guys." I told them, seeing Dean hold his shoulder, "Get him checked out, I'll be fine."

"You realize the Wyatt's have been threatening you for the last two weeks right?" Seth asked, glancing around the arena, "We're not leaving you out here unprotected."

"Yes you are." I told him, eyes going hard, "I'm done hiding. What's the worst they can do?"

"They could take you." Roman elaborated, a disbelieving smile on his face.

"You're leaving ringside." I ordered, hand on my hips, "I'm doing this on my own, for once don't fight me on this."

Roman and I stared at each other, neither of us giving an inch. Seth and Dean were looking between us, watching us stare. After a moment Roman looked at the other two.

"You sure you got this?" Dean asked suddenly, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"I got this." I nodded.

"She's got this. And even though she says so we're still gonna stick nearby, just in case." Dean announced, glancing from Roman to me.

Roman nodded, taking my sweater and the three of them left the ring, leaving me there to pace. I shook my hands at my side, waiting as I faced the stage, watching for the first person to come out.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now