Chapter 79 I Survived

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After spending the night at my clingy brother's house he insisted on driving us back to the airport. After a longer flight we had arrived back in California, the heat comforting after everything I had been through. Each of us had a separate vehicle, with all our luggage. I knew I was going to have to deal with a lot as soon as I got there so I asked the driver to go slow, wanting to take a few minutes to gather my thoughts. I had on a pair of shorts and a tank top, the blue material already sticking to my damp skin. As we pulled in I saw John, Nikki, Brie and Daniel standing around, watching my car pull in. My leg was a bit achy today, and I knew I had a bit of a limp as I stepped out, shutting the door behind me. Each of their eyes fell to my leg, John and Daniel both frowning. Pushing my shades onto my head I opened the back of the car, about to grab my bag when Daniel grabbed it for me, setting it on the ground.

"You shouldn't be lifting heavy stuff." He admonished, and I could see the worry on his face.

"I got shot, I'm not pregnant." I grinned, pulling my bag to the door again.

I pulled my garment bag out, hanging it on the handle of the case, folding it so I didn't drag on the ground. Facing John and Daniel I could see them checking me over, making sure I was really ok.

"Guys, I told you I was ok and I meant it. This is nothing, it's stitches alright?" I told them, holding out a hand for both of them.

They nodded, smiling gently at them and I knew they knew I didn't want to make a huge deal about this. I heard a door bang and I saw Phil and AJ come out, his face determined and I let go with a squeeze before grabbing my case. I walked a couple steps, trying to keep the pressure off my leg but Phil had already run across the lot, gathering me into his arms. My hands were hanging mid-air before resting against his back and I felt him take a deep shuddering breath.

"Everyone is so freaked out when I'm fine." I groaned, rubbing his back as he leaned away, looking panicked, "They overdramatized everything."

"Lila have you seen that video?" AJ asked, still looking a bit shaken up herself.

"No, I just wanted to get home." I shook my head, glancing down the row at the bus at the end, "The boys are pretty shaken up."

"Well I just texted Roman, they're coming." Nikki announced, phone in hand and I turned back hearing a bang.

What surprised me the most was that Dean was in the lead, nearly skidding around the corner of the bus. I could see him scanning the crowd before landing on me and I raised a hand, watching him dart forward. Resting a hand on Phil's arm I walked forward to meet him. Usually Dean was one to keep his emotions locked away but I could see the utter relief in his eyes as he came to a stop in front of me. Leaning down he folded his long frame around me, holding me tightly. It startled me a bit but I wrapped my arms around him, hand holding the back of his head. He took a deep shaking breath, face buried in the hair by my ear.

"Dean I'm fine, I told you I was fine." I laughed softly, feeling him step back, regaining control of himself.

"We didn't know anything for a few minutes before you called." He rumbled, voice deeper than normal and I knew this really affected him, "All we knew here was you had been shot and they took you out on a gurney. You weren't moving."

"I cracked my head on the counter when I fell." I explained, touching the back of my head, feeling the slightly smaller lump, "If I wasn't moving it was because I was a bit dizzy."

Seth and Roman stepped behind us and I could see the relief on Seth's face. Roman on the other hand had tension in every line in his body and I hobbled a few steps towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck, holding him tightly. He shook a bit before settling, arms holding him tightly. I had no idea how much that had affected everyone, my ability to shake it off making it not a huge deal for me.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now