Chapter 59 Heart 2 Heart

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    We were back in the truck after going to Jeff's first, letting me throw my stuff in my room. I contemplated changing but I realized I matched Jeff pretty well. I kept my jacket on, the weather not cooler like the northern states but not hot enough to go without a jacket either. We were in the truck, heading to Matt's which was only a 5 minute drive.

"How is everything going with Beth?" I finally managed to ask.

"It's going as good as a divorce can go." He sighed, leaning an elbow on the window, "I'm expecting the papers any day now."

"I'm sorry Jeff." I murmured, seeing him shrug.

"You know I was too at the beginning but I can see now it's for the best." He reassured me, pulling into the driveway, parking behind Matt's car.

I nodded as I jumped down, slamming the door and meeting Jeff in the front of the truck. He held out his hand and I took it naturally, seeing the door open and Matt standing there. He gave me a classic Matt smile as we made our way across the lawn, coming into the porch.

"There she is." He commented, hugging me tightly before letting go, "You're the first ones here."

"Who else is coming?" Jeff asked, hand on my back as we followed Matt in.

"Shannon and John heard she was coming, they insisted on joining." He smirked and I rolled my eyes, knowing those two were nothing but trouble.

Wiping my shoes I followed them through the house, heading towards the kitchen and I shrugged out of my jacket, leaving it on the couch. Matt went through the open doors first and I saw Amy cooking, her back towards us. Hearing us walk in though she turned a smile lighting up her whole face the minute she saw me.

"Well hello stranger...oh my God what happened to your hand?" she exclaimed, coming to hug me and take my hand in hers.

"Oh this?" I frowned, wiggling my few good fingers, "Got it caught in a cage match against Kharma. Dislocated two of my knuckles and unfortunately out for 2 weeks."

"Wow, well at least we get you for that time." She offered, leading me to a chair, "You want something to drink, I think we have wine."

"Sounds good. You want some help?" I asked, glancing at the simmering pots on the stove.

"No, you just sit there and keep me company. Tell me all about the WWE and what's going on." She shook her head, pouring me a glass of red wine and going back to the stove as the doorbell rang, "Will one of you get the door?"

Both of them went to answer it leaving me to answer all of Amy's questions, which she had plenty of. I was laughing when I felt two pairs of arms go around my shoulders and waist, cheeks pressed against mine. I couldn't really move but I knew it had to be John and Shannon.

"So now that we finally got Lila here for a while I propose a food fight. Rematch from 4 years ago." Shannon exclaimed, kissing my cheek before letting me go.

"That is true." John chimed in, letting me go to sit next to me, "You left before we could get our revenge."

"Well boys, I'll have to take a rain check." I admitted, hearing them protest before lifting my hand from my lap, "I'm here for recuperation."

I let the examine my hand and Shannon caught sight of my head where it was glued. He pointed it out to John who stared at it, making me raise an eyebrow, the one not cut.

"But that's not to say that once I'm good I won't catch you two and explode some tomatoes on your head." I retaliated, seeing them perk up, "As soon as my hand heals, rematch."

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora