Chapter 46 Apologies & Time With Roman

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    Locking gazes with Phil one last time I felt a hand graze my arm, Roman standing behind me and I turned, following them out of the ring. I followed them to the barrier, going out in our usual exit, feeling hands patting my shoulders and arms. We walked out into the halls, seeing a figure standing there waiting for us. All three of them stopped behind me, me being the only one who kept forward, a smile breaking across my face. The man held out a large hand and I placed mine in it, turning my face so he could kiss my cheek swiftly.

"I haven't seen you around lately Vince." I teased, kissing his cheek back before taking a step back.

"Business overseas but I've been keeping tabs on you." He chuckled, his raspy voice booming around the halls, "Seems like you've found a place and turned my daughters, well, security against her."

"I didn't mean to." I shrugged, biting the inside of my lip, "It just happened."

"I never said it was a bad thing Miss Lila," he informed me, hand still holding mine, "Keep it up though, ratings have skyrocketed since you joined Shield. Just be careful, I don't want to lose my star."

"I'm always careful Vince. You don't have to worry about me when I have Roman." I reassured him, glancing over my shoulder at the boys who had shaken off the shock and come to stand behind me.

"Boys, nice to see you. Take care of this one, she's a diamond in the rough." He smirked, patting my cheek and Dean's shoulder as he walked past us, leaving them in a state of shock.

"Hmm, nice to see him here." I commented before starting to walk again, title over my shoulder.

I heard them clatter to their feet as they chased after me, catching up in a second. Roman was beside me and I looked up at him, seeing the startled look on his face.

"You and Vince are that close still?" he asked, sounding confused.

"He handpicked us Roman, I have a lot of love for that man. Plus he never cares what I do, even if it involves his daughter, I have a reign of freedom here." I grinned, pushing open our locker room door.

"You've got the owner of the WWE in your pocket Lila," Seth shook his head disbelievingly, "You're crazy, just crazy."

"Let's leave crazy to the expert shall we?" I teased, clapping a hand on Dean's shoulder, seeing him roll his eyes.

I waited on the couch as they got changed, leg bouncing up and down. Deciding I was going for a walk while they changed I let them know, heading out and towards catering. I left my title with Roman, knowing he would either find me later or bring it to the bus if he couldn't find me. There was no one in catering and I grabbed some food, sitting and watching the rest of Smackdown. I was cross legged on the couch, stuffing my face when Randy walked in, and I tensed up. It had been a while since I had seen him, the last time when he zip tied me before Christmas. He spotted me easily, being the only person in the room and I saw him struggling whether or not to approach me. Seeing him decide I groaned, shutting the container of my food before he stopped in front of me.

"I see that look on your face but I have to try and apologize," he began looking conflicted, "I don't know what the hell came over me in the ring but I am sorry."

"For kissing me against my will or tying me up before you did it?" I asked coolly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Both. You and Seth really got under my skin for some reason." He admitted, looking truly upset but I kept the mask up, "It doesn't matter though, it's no excuse for how I treated you. You mean a lot to me and I didn't show you the kind of respect I owed you."

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now