Chapter 28 Time Spent With Seth

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Late Night

The boys were all asleep, after I took them out to dinner at my favorite restaurant, Mark and Lisa joining us. After getting home we all watched a movie to kill off the end of the night, grabbing some beers and unwinding, just enjoying time spent with each other. I was currently sitting on the window seat in the living room, watching the traffic go by even though it was late at night. The lights were all off in the house and I was leaned back against the wall, legs bent, feet against the cushions. I heard a door open and I turned, watching as a dark figure crept into the living room, looking towards me.

"What's up?" Dean whispered, padding across the living room, only in grey sweats.

"Nothing just sitting here." I said back softly, moving my feet as he sat down.

"Can't sleep?" he asked, mimicking my pose, our legs getting tangled up as we shared the space.

"No just enjoying being home while I can." I shook my head, looking back out the window.

"Am I intruding?" he murmured, hands hanging over his knees.

"Not at all, I'm glad for the company." I told him, seeing him nod.

We sat there quietly for a while, watching cars drive by, downtown Seattle bright in the distance. His legs were keeping mine warm, the air in the house slightly cool. It was different knowing that my house was full but it was something I was enjoying.

"What's on your mind Dean? You've been quiet." I asked, turning to look at him.

"I was thinking that I learned more about you today than I have in the last 6 months." He murmured, sounding confused, "And I still feel like I have no idea who you are."

"I told you before I was an open book Dean. That hasn't changed." I shrugged, not knowing where this was heading.

"I just get the feeling when you say things you're still holding back. Like you're still not sure you can tell us everything." He leaned his head against the wall, eyes shrouded in shadows.

"I tell you everything. What do I have to hide Dean, you three know all my dirty secrets." I shot back, frowning slightly, "My mother's a psycho, wrestling is my life and I hate the Authority."

"And yet I had no idea you were in NXT, I had no idea you liked muscle cars, I didn't have a clue you had a boyfriend." He retorted and I groaned.

"What is with you and Seth getting hung up on the fact I had a boyfriend?" I asked fiercely, "I'm a woman, I can have exes."

"That's not the point, you know me." He frowned, hand grabbing his own wrist, holding it tightly.

"Dean I don't really know you, I didn't know you lived in Vegas. All I know is you have a temper and who you were before, and apparently that topic is off limits so why are you getting on my case about my past?" I fumed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because you don't need to know about that side Lila, you wouldn't like it." He snapped, voice getting cold, "I'm just wondering what you're hiding from the 4 years you were here."

"I'm not hiding anything for the last time." I growled, matching his tone, "Who I was then isn't who I am now, can you say the same?"

He was silent and we stared at each other, not sure how we managed to start an argument. Letting out a sigh I moved, setting my feet on the floor as I pushed my hair from my face.

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