Chapter 97 Gym & Advice From Dean

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2 Months Later

Since we had taken our break and came back things weren't going our way. They weren't going bad but they weren't going good either and I couldn't figure out what was going on. There were little fights breaking out between the boys, nothing too explosive but more then normal. Seth had been distant lately but everytime I brought it up he just brushed it off or blamed it on the coming holidays. Currently I was in the gym, getting ready for the last RAW before Christmas. Dean and Seth had snapped on each other in the bus so instead of helping Roman calm the situation I walked out, intent on burning some of the frustration off. Vickie had successfully kept us from getting the tag team titles back and was currently planning Dean and I's downfall. We had been in match after match, throwing everything she could at us to rid us of our titles. Despite it we held onto them, fighting through everything she scheduled for us. I had my music cranked as I pulled myself up on the bar till my arms shook, feeling them protest. Dropping I caught movement from the corner of my eye, watching the door swing shut, Seth standing there looking calm. Taking my headphones out I watched as he walked over, his bag hanging loosely from his hand. He walked straight towards me, stopping and wrapping his arms around my waist, holding me firmly.

"I'm sorry I've been in a shit mood." He groaned, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, feeling how tense they were, "I keep taking it out on you and Dean and Roman and I shouldn't. It has nothing to do with you."

"What's going on?" I murmured, leaning back and seeing the frustration in his normally happy brown eyes.

"I can't talk about it right now. Once I can I will but it's just something I gotta do." He sighed and I frowned, not liking being left out of the loop.

"You know as your girlfriend I should be allowed to know secrets." I teased, grinning up at him, seeing a ghost of the smile I had grown to care about.

"I know baby." He soothed, running his hands up and down my arms, " As soon as I can I will tell you. I promise that I won't be like this anymore okay?"

"Okay I just don't like seeing you like this." I frowned, running my hand over his hair, smoothing the flyaway hairs down, "Especially right around Christmastime."

"I know." He sighed, pulling me closer, "But you make it better."

Leaning down he kissed me softly, his lips moving against mine in a motion that was already familiar to me. Biting my bottom lip gently his hands moved along my sides, thumbs trailing over my ribs and I shivered, goosebumps racing along my skin. My hands found their way to the side of his face, holding him between my palms as I lost threw myself into it, kissing him back with a ferociousness that startled the both of us. After a few moments we broke apart, gasping for breath.

"As much as I would like this to continue on that bench right there I think there are cameras in here." Seth growled, his normally deep voice a few notches deeper.

"Sorry." I mumbled, tucking my head under his chest.

"Oh don't be sorry. I'm just sorry there are cameras here." He laughed, making me lean back with a grin, "I have something to ask you."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I know that you aren't going home for the holidays so I was wondering..." he trailed off, looking a tad nervous and I knew exactly where this conversation was heading, "I was wondering if you wanted to come back to Iowa with me for Christmas."

"Seth that's so generous of you." I blinked, the panic rising up, "I'm going to New York with my brother actually. He's not going home for Christmas, especially after last years fiasco. So we're spending it together in New York."

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara