Chapter 99 A Proposal

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 I turned with what must have been comical slowness at the amused voice coming from directly behind me. Just as I thought Dean stood there, bag in hand and a cheeky grin on his face.

"Shouldn't you be on your flight?" I questioned, looking up and seeing the flight to Cincinnati was already gone.

"Shouldn't you?" he shot back, looking way too pleased with himself.

"I'm not playing this game with you Dean, what are you doing?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest, instantly defensive.

"No the question is, what do you think your doing?" he murmured, copying my pose exactly, "Lying to not only Seth but Roman to about where you're spending Christmas."

"Who said I was lying?" I shot back, raising an eyebrow.

"You forgot I have your brothers number?" he grinned and my face fell before I could stop it, immediately steeling it back into an impassive mask.

"Nope I didn't." I shook my head.

"I called him, asked him what time your flight was going to be in." he said simply and the panic set it.

"Dean you didn't..." I groaned, wondering how I was going to fix this, "I'm gonna have to call and make up some shit now and he's gonna be wondering where the hell I'm..."

"I didn't actually call him, I just wanted you to admit you weren't going." Dean interrupted, making me snap my lips together, "Lila where are you going for Christmas and don't lie."

Knowing he won my shoulders slumped, feeling defeated and I walked to the benches, sliding down into one. Dean followed suit, sitting down next to me and folding his hands in his lap, waiting for my answer. Raking my fingers through my hair I stared out the window, seeing the snow lightly falling outside.

"The bus." I admitted finally, seeing Dean's eyebrow go up in my peripheral, "Jax is going to my parents, he wouldn't not go just because of everything last year, him and Dad are too close for him not to."

"Why not go with Roman or Seth?" he questioned quietly, the accusing tone gone and replaced by light curiosity.

"Because Roman doesn't need my mopey ass around at Christmas and me and Seth and heading into seriousville and he's the mayor and I just moved in." I groaned, bringing my legs up and resting my chin on my knees.

"So you were just going to stay in the bus till we came back?" Dean questioned, sounding shocked and a little upset.

"I would have been fine. Just another day gone by but youre too damn smart for your own good Dean." I chuckled, looking over at him.

"I really am." He nodded, pretending to think about it, "Smarter then you think actually."

"What does that mean?" I frowned, watching as he pulled out his ticket from his jacket and handing me one.

Taking the paper from his hand I opened it, seeing a ticket for a flight that was leaving in 45 minutes. Checking the destination my eyebrows shot up into my hairline nearly, not sure what I was seeing. There was a first class ticket in my hand to Vegas and I had no idea what Dean was telling me.

"I wanna propose something." He began, leaning forward, touching the ticket in my hand with his own, "You barely packed, at least way less then what you normally do for a trip. Take everything you have in there and come with me to Vegas for Christmas."

"Why are we going to Vegas for..." I began to ask but I suddenly remembered what he last year on New Years when he showed up at my house, "You live in Vegas. You're not going home either."

"I had no intention of going home this year. Once I figured out you weren't either I decided I would ask if you wanted to come with me. No Christmas celebration, just a fun couple days in Vegas." Dean said simply, standing up and grabbing his bag, "Think of this as my Christmas gift."

"No Christmas, just casinos and shows and doing whatever we want?" I murmured, looking at the ticket and then up at Dean.

"That or we're spending Christmas in the bus." He shrugged, tucking his ticket into his jacket.

"We?" I frowned.

"I would never let you stay alone." Dean admitted, looking a tad flustered, "IF you don't come, I'm staying."

"Dean..." I whispered, blinking rapidly as I clutched the ticket in my hand.

"Oh for...will you please just come to Vegas so we don't have to stay in the bus." He grinned, snapping me out of the funk I was ready to settle myself into.

Standing up I grabbed my bag, a grin growing on my face as I realized what I was getting myself into. Seeing my acceptance we started towards a new gate, moving quickly as we saw the boarding sign. Standing in line we waited, handing over our tickets and taken up to first class, the spacious seating more luxurious than anything I had been on and I realized Dean must have paid a fortune for them. As we settled in I turned to look at him, seeing him already leaning back and relaxing.

"Dean?" I said softly, seeing his eyes open.

"Hmm?" he murmured, hands behind his head as he stretched out, all long denim covered legs.

"I know we said no Christmas but can I get you something anyways?" I asked, seeing his eyes open fully, "If this ticket was my Christmas gift I have to get you something."

"You don't have to." He shook his head, bringing his seat up.

"I know but I want to." I stated firmly, "I'd be sitting on the bus alone right now if it wasn't for this. I want to get you something nice."

"You can have an amazing time in Vegas. That's good enough for me." Dean laughed, going back into the reclining position.

Knowing that was the end of that I sat back in my seat, waiting as the stewardess gave the safety instructions. I hadn't been on a plane since Dean and I had come back from North Carolina and the nerves were kicking back in. As the plane started it got worse and I could feel sweat spring up on my skin and I wiped my hands down my pants. Moving forward the plane was steady but I could still feel it shaking underneath me. Movement caught my eye and I tore my gaze away from the front where I was focused. Dean's hand was resting on the console between us, his palm up and fingers wiggling in invitation. The simple gesture from him was enough to send my already frazzled emotions overboard and I pried my fingers from my arm rest. Placing my hand in his he folded his fingers around mine, the dry palms a stark contrast to my slightly damp ones. As we lifted off I closed my eyes, focusing on the gentle feeling of him holding my hand. After what felt like forever we leveled out and I let go, thankful I didn't crush his hand like I did the last time. Dean must have had the same sense of dejavu that I did as he leaned forward, unsnapping his seatbelt and looking directly at me.

"I don't know if this is something you want to keep from Seth but if you want me to I wont say anything." He blurted out, and I realized this was definitely something Seth shouldn't know about since I declined his offer of going home with him.

"I don't think he would understand." I shook my head and I saw Dean nod in agreement.

"Dirty little secret again." He grinned mockingly, and I frowned, reaching out to touch his forearm making him freeze.

"You're not but with the way things have been lately I don't want to make it worse." I said softly, needing him to understand, "I'm choosing to be here with you over everyone else because this is where I want to be. No this is where I need to be right now."

"Need to be?" he questioned, curiosity coloring his voice.

"Yeah I'm not in the right mindset to be at anyone's Christmas." I shook my head, leaning it against the seat, "I just want to be able to be me."

"You can be whoever you want to be where you're going darlin." Dean grinned, making a glimmer of excitement rise up, "Sleep if you can, we've got plans when we land."

Letting a grin grow on my face I leaned back, putting my feet up as the plane cruised along. Closing my eyes I let the dull roar of the wind around the plane lull me into a sleep as we made our way across the country to the city that never sleeps.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now