Chapter 18 They're Gonna Get Me

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   I smirked as we walked in seeing Seth and Roman standing in front of the TV looking a little freaked out. I threw my title on the bench as I slipped my vest back on, ignoring the start of aches and pains in my body. Snapping up I pulled my hair out, seeing them still looking at me worried.

"Are you good?" I pointed at the two of them, Dean sitting on the bench.

"Lila do you realize what you did?" Seth asked, running a hand over his head, his hair in a bun for once.

"I fought against 3 girls and won instead of three guys?" I questioned, not sure what they meant.

"You looked exactly like Dean does when he's pissed in the ring." Roman blurted out, catching both of our attentions.

"What?" we both asked at the same time, making Roman and Seth exchange glances.

"Check it out." Seth pointed and I saw the replay on the TV.

As I watched myself on the screen taking on 3 of them I could see what they meant, my whole demeanour changing. I knew the moment it did, when Steph came out with her threat I remembered getting really pissed and it was strange to see the physical changes on screen. When she slapped me my eyes looked wild and I could absolutely see what they meant, Dean looking exactly the same on the side of the ring.

"That's...different." I commented, watching my lion sault with pride, "That looks more awesome than I thought though, damn."

"Really that's what your focusing on?" Roman sighed, folding his arms against his chest.

"Right now yes because I don't have an explanation for what happened out there. One minute I was done and the next I laid them out like they were novices. I don't know how I did what I did but I did it so can we drop it?" I asked, patting the sweat from my skin, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you ok?" Seth frowned, glancing me over.

"Are you asking physically or mentally Seth because I'm not sure you're going to like the answer to either." I admitted, rubbing my collarbone.

He frowned, his eyes dark with worry and I sighed, sitting down heavily on the bench. Raking my fingers through my hair I looked up at the three of them seeing their wary faces.

"Physically I'm fine, a little sore but whatever. Mentally," I trailed off, rubbing the back of my neck, "I'm dealing with Christmas shit, Diva shit, Champ shit. I'm dealing with Phil and knowing the Wyatt's want me for god knows what kind of sick shit. On top of all of that Evolution is still out for our blood."

"SO I guess now wouldn't be the greatest time to tell you that we have an interview on late night after next week RAW." Dean chirped and I threw him a dirty look.

"Probably not but whatever, might as well throw more shit on top of that." I laughed, trying to ease the tension.

"I'm sorry, but we get another break after tonight so just make it through tonight. No Smackdown this week." Seth reassured me, clapping a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded, thinking about my house in Seattle and my bed that I haven't been in, in like 6 months. Undoing the tape on my hands I grabbed my gloves from my pocket, choosing them over the supporting tape. The boys match was coming up soon and I watched them all get ready, each other them doing their own thing. Leaning forward I rocked back and forth, trying to psych myself to go out and stand near the Wyatt family. I knew I would be safe but being around them still gave me the creeps.

I was standing in the ring with the boys as we waited for the Wyatt's, my adrenaline running high already. I was standing between Roman and Seth, Dean pacing around the ring, bouncing up and down with a serious look on his face. Our music faded as the lights went out, shrouding us in darkness, my heart rate picking up instantly. Roman came closer, his arm brushing against my mine and I felt Seth's hand find mine in the darkness. Dean was behind, his breathing rapid as we watched them walk out, the light swaying. My hand was clenched around Seth's as they made it to the ramp blowing out the lamp and the lights coming on. Bray had a mic in his hand staring at us, eyes falling to Seth and my hand. He didn't let go though, keeping our eyes straight ahead at them.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now