Chapter 44 Interviews

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   "Move your ass Dean, we gotta go." I called out, seeing him stagger out of the bathroom, glasses firmly on his face.

"Jesus have some mercy woman." He groaned, pulling on his red trimmed leather jacket, hair wet from the shower, "You could have let me stay here with Roman."

"It's bad enough one of us isn't going but Roman can't stand up without needing to throw up so he's out." I raised an eyebrow, pulling on my long grey cardigan, cinching it with a belt, "And this is punishment for scaring the hell out of me last night."

"I didn't mean to, I don't deserve punishment." He grumbled, following Seth and I outside to the car, "Isn't it enough that I have a split lip?"

"If you'd stop picking up skanks at the bar maybe you wouldn't have a split lip." I shot back, seeing him sink into the seat.

"But I like the skanks." He mumbled, a smirk playing on his lips and I knew he was trying to rile me up.

"Well I'm not a skank but would you like another busted lip?" I growled, folding my arms across my chest.

He burst into laughter, voice raspier than normal today and I knew he was smoking last night, "Oh your feathers get ruffled so easy darlin." He grinned, his dimple appearing on his cheek as he pulled me by the shoulder into his side.

"Well if you wouldn't make me panicked maybe I wouldn't get the urge to punch you." I smirked, resting my head on his shoulder for a second before leaning back in my own spot.

The drive was quick and we were instantly ushered in, Dean being taken to make-up to cover his lip and nose. We were deemed alright and were set up with mics as we waited, just making it with a few minutes to spare. Leaving my purse in the green room I took my sunglasses off, checking my reflection. I could see Seth grinning at me through the mirror, looking classically handsome in tan pants and a black sport coat. The moment was broken as Dean walked in, mic on his shirt and bumps and bruises covered expertly.

"Ah look whose back to normal." I teased, seeing him roll his eyes at me, hair scruffy and flopping onto his forehead.

"AH look who has bags under her eyes." he shot back, making me frown.

"I wouldn't have had bags if I didn't wait up for you two idiots last night." I put my crossed arms under my chest, "So whose fault is it now?"

"Still yours?" he offered and I slapped his arm a few times, stopping when someone poked their heads in.

"If you'll follow me I'll take you to set."

I walked out first, Seth holding the door and we walked through the studio, finally walking out onto set where there was a woman and man sitting, smiles on their faces. Stepping up they stood as well, the woman holding her hand out first.

"HI I'm Maria, it's nice to have you here." She smiled, her face friendly despite being this early in the morning.

"Thanks for having us." I nodded, taking her hand and moving on to the man, "I'm Lila by the way."

"Lila?" he shook my hand, "Wayne."

"So let's get seated here, we're back on in 1 minute." Maria announced, sitting back in her seat after everyone was introduced.

Seth sat closest to them, me in the middle and Dean on the end, all of us waiting for the show to start. Crossing my legs I bounced my foot as I waited, still a little nervous about being back on TV. Taking a quick deep breath I saw them motioning for us to start, Maria and Wayne turning to the camera.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now