Chapter 33 Dirty Little Secrets

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   "So I thought you two were just partners huh?" Jeff commented, coming up beside us, a smile hiding the darkness in his eyes and the slight joy I had disappeared in a flash.

"We are just partners." Seth spoke up, arm still around me.

"Well looked pretty cozy just now to me." He chuckled, swaying slightly.

"This isn't the time or place to be bringing up old hurts now is it Jeff? You're drunk." I said gently, knowing he could go off at any minute.

"So when is the time Lila?" he asked, liquid sloshing over the rim of his cup, "You're never here, ever since you ran away to the WWE."

"I didn't run away Jeff, I went back, there's a difference." I argued, the alcohol amplifying the anger building up, "Besides what does it matter to you anyway?"

"I just want to know, we're you already planning on going back when you walked away from me?" he mumbled, eyes still bright and dilated, "I just want to know if you're really as fickle as you seem?"

"Ok buddy I think that's enough now." Seth butted in, going to grab his arm but Jeff threw his hand away from him, Seth's face instantly going hard and cold.

"Who the hell are you to tell me when it's enough? Bad enough you're kissing my..." he ranted, only to have Seth butt in again.

"Kissing your ex-girlfriend." Seth growled, both of us staring each other down, "She's your ex man, not your girlfriend."

"Don't matter, I don't like it." He stormed, draining his glass.

"It's none of your business Jeff, look maybe you should go splash some water on your face, calm down." I told him, wary of a fight.

I watched him slump a bit, the fight going out of him and I felt an inkling of sympathy for him. Handing my glass to Seth I took his arm, letting him lean on me but Seth grabbed my other arm, stopping me.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked, glancing over at Jeff.

"It's fine Seth I got this ok. I'll be right back." I promised, leading him through the crowd.

We walked across the floor to the bathrooms and he pulled me inside with him. HE stumbled a bit to the sink splashing cold water on his face and slicking his blonde hair back as he caught my gaze in the mirror. My arms were crossed over my chest as I sighed.

"I thought you were going to stop this shit Jeff." I chided, watching him lean against the sink.

"I tried but I couldn't do it. I needed you." He admitted, sounding lost, "Do a line with me Lila, just for old time's sake."

"No Jeff I told you when I left I was done and I meant it," I shook my head, seeing him dig in his pocket, "I'm not jeopardizing my career for a little bit of blow."

"Lila come on," he pleaded, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer despite my resistance, "You left me high and dry when I needed you but you won't do one little line?"

"Jeff let go of me." I ordered and he dropped my arm.

"Fine more for me than." He shrugged, turning and pouring a bit on his hand before bringing it to his nose.

I watched as it disappeared, Jeff shaking his head as he grinned at me through the mirror, wiping his nose. With a speed that startled me he was right in front of me, his hand holding my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card Seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن