Chapter 7 Good To Be Home

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Monday Afternoon

"Ok if you bounce any more you're going right out of this car, relax we're almost there." Roman laughed, seeing my excitement.

"Roman I haven't seen the boys in a week. Honestly I missed them. I got you on the last half of the trip but I haven't seen them in a week. I'm dying here. I underestimated how much I was going to miss them." I bit my lip, seeing the arena and all the buses.

There were a bunch of cars behind us, carrying the rest of the Diva's and I spotted our bus instantly. I undid my belt, nearly hitting my head I was bouncing so hard in anticipation. Roman let out a tolerant sigh and I turned to look at him.

"I got your bag, just go." He smiled and I reached over and kissed his cheek quickly before ripping open the door.

I wore sneakers just so I could get around faster and just as I opened the door to the car, our bus door opened, revealing an ecstatic Seth. He was searching the cars and he spotted me, his face breaking out into a bigger grin. I shut the door before meeting him halfway, nearly running across the lot. Throwing myself into his arms I buried my face in his neck, breathing in the scent that was strictly Seth.

"Oh God I missed you." He groaned, holding me so tight I thought he was going to cut off my oxygen, "Please don't leave ever again, Dean was hellish the whole time you guys were gone."

"I swear I never will." I promised as he set me on my feet, "I was homesick for you guys the whole time."

Seth grabbed my head, kissing my forehead firmly and I realized with a jolt of amusement we were in the middle of the lot. Nikki and Brie were watching with amusement and Seth gave them a wave, looking slightly sheepish. Brushing my hair away from my face I turned towards the bus, seeing someone's copper hair coming out. He had on shorts and a black t-shirt and he looked ready for the gym.

"I didn't tell Dean you were back so soon, he was expecting you later this afternoon. He's been miserable and I thought he needed a surprise to perk him up." Seth grumbled, seeming annoyed but not really.

As he told me this Dean looked over, bag in hand and baseball cap on backwards. I felt like I hadn't seen him in forever and my heart did a little jump as I watched the recognition on his face. He dropped the gym bag and he started towards us, his face breaking out into my favorite lopsided smile. Leaving Seth I jogged over stopping in front of him and tilting my head back with a smile.

"Did you miss me?" I asked cheekily, seeing the dimple appear on his cheek.

"Were you gone?" he asked, rubbing his chin and I punched him in the chest making him grunt.

"Oh I see how it is then." I murmured, going to turn away when he grabbed my wrist, stopping me instantly.

He tugged me gently and I pressed my cheek against his chest, arms around his waist loosely. He had one hand on my back, the other holding the back of my head gently. Being back with all three of them felt more and more like coming home.

"I might have missed you a little." He admitted, leaning back with a smirk.

"Shut up Dean, you missed me." I grinned, as Roman and Seth came up next to us.

"I'm heading to the gym, do you want to come hit it with me?" Dean asked, motioning to the bag sitting at the steps.

"Yes." I nodded instantly, "I've been eating like death row prisoner at a buffet and I can almost feel the pounds packing on."

I patted my stomach which made both Seth and Roman roll their eyes. Ignoring them I turned to the bus, taking my suitcase with me which had acquired quite a few extra pieces of jewellery and clothing. Heading to Roman and my room I stripped, throwing my hair up in a messy bun and dressed in a sports bra, white tank top and my pair of Roman's sweats. Slipping my feet into sneakers I threw a sweater over top and water and a towel in my bag, heading out the door. Roman, Dean and Seth were still standing outside, each of them smiling and looking content.

"Ready." I chirped, bounding down the steps, landing next to Dean.

"Wow you look nice and tan." Seth commented and I touched my collarbone, "I didn't notice earlier but you got a nice tan going on."

"I spent a majority of my time outside, on the beach or swimming." I grinned, throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"Ya I can tell. Well take it easy at the gym you guys, we got a match tonight Dean. Me and you against Sheamus and Punk, and you have a match against Sasha Banks. It's not a title match or anything though but I'd still take it easy." Seth announced, seeing the frown on my face appear instantly.

"Lovely, well I'm gonna go let go of some pent up anger hopefully and then come back and get ready to kick some ass because I desperately need to." I decided, walking towards the arena, praying they had the gym set up.

I heard Dean coming behind me and I slowed down enough for him to catch up, keeping stride with me. The one thing I enjoyed about going anywhere with him is that he knew when to keep quiet or to lend me his opinion. Now was one time that he was silent, following me to the gym.

Monday Night RAW

I was stretching in the locker room, feeling better than I had in the last week, despite being on vacation. I was stretched out on the floor, palms pressed against the floor between my legs. The boys were standing around, wetting their hair down and taping up knuckles.

"You're up first." Roman commented, strapping his gloved against his wrists, "How are we playing this?"

"I can go out alone. I'm not worried about anything with the Wyatt's at the moment plus you guys need to worry about your match." I reassured them, sitting back up, getting to my feet in one fluid movement.

"Hell no." Seth shook his head, flipping his hair back, "I'll come out with you at least. Roman and Dean can watch just in case something does happen."

"This is getting a little crazy." I frowned, attaching my title to my waist.

"Lila come on, you promised you wouldn't put up a fight when it comes to this shit." Seth pleaded, putting his hand on my waist, "Just let me come out with you."

"Alright, I did promise I wouldn't fight about this." I agreed, pushing away the doubts in my mind.

Everyone nodded and Seth followed me out, both of us heading towards the entrance in the stands. Seth's hair was wet and slicked back, mine curled and bouncing around my head as I shifted from foot to foot, waiting as Team BAD's music played through the arena and the hall. The music died out after a few minutes we heard the telltale start of our music and the crowds excitement.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta. Shield...

Seth motioned for me to go and I could feel him following behind me as we walked out into the crowd, seeing Team BAD looking up for us. Seth stood next to me and he went down first, letting me follow him down and watch him flip over the barrier, landing on his feet and holding out his hand for me. I slid over, taking his hand to jump over and land on my feet. Our gloves made an odd noise as they rubbed against each other making him smirk at me. I grabbed him and pulled him close, bringing my lips to his ear.

"No matter what happens don't step in. I've got this and you're here just in case the Wyatt's come out alright." I asked, and he nodded, seeing the serious look on my face.

I let go of his vest and jumped up onto the ropes, throwing my title to Seth who caught it from mid-air. I let my face drop into a grin that rivaled Dean's before slipping into the ring, ready to release some frustrations.


Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now