Chapter 45 Sign

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. I walked quickly into the arena and to the gym, legs cool from the air outside. Taking my sweater off I jumped on the treadmill, blasting my music and loosing myself in the run. I was glad my iPod was charged as I focused on endurance today, just running, lifting and hitting the bag a bit. I was so focused that I didn't notice who came into the gym till they tapped me on the shoulder, nearly making me leap out of my skin as I dropped the ropes.

"Jesus Dean, you nearly gave me a heart attack." I gasped, my breath coming in heavy spurts.

"Ya you sound like you're about to die." He commented, dropping his own bag, dressed in a grey wife beater and black shorts, "Have you been here the whole time?"

"How long have I been gone?" I frowned, looking for a clock.

"You've been gone for like 3 hours." He murmured, and I blew out a breath, feeling the shake in my legs.

"No wonder I'm sweaty and hungry." I huffed, taped hands resting on my hips, feeling the sweat bead on my skin, "Well I think maybe I should quit then before I drop."

Taking a few deep breaths as I turned to go I felt Dean watching me, making me a tad self-conscious in my shorts and sports bra.

"Hey Lila can I ask you something?" he called out, making me stop and walk back.

"Anything." I nodded, slinging my towel over my shoulders.

"Was it really that big of a deal, flirting with that host?" he asked, head down as he taped his own hands.

"No I just..." I mumbled, feeling a tad cornered, "You got punched out for flirting and yet you just keep doing it. I don't care what you do with your spare time Dean but you're my friend and I don't particularly like seeing you come in covered in your own blood. Sleep with whoever you want but stop getting punched in the face while you do it."

I kept my tone light, leaning against the doorframe of the bag room. He looked up at me, blue eyes focused on me and what I was saying. I shifted my feet, trying not to squirm under his gaze.

"I don't sleep with every girl I meet Lila, I'm not how I was before but I'm not a saint either." He murmured, getting to his feet, "I just..."

"You don't have to explain this to me Dean." I shook my head, holding up a hand.

"I do because at the end of the day, if I'm being perfectly honest, the only girl I actually give any semblance of a shit for is you. You're actually the first woman I get along with and I care what you think about me." He admitted, making me stop, "I guess I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you worrying about me."

"That means a lot Dean, it really does." I murmured, feeling flushed and not just from working out, "You three just turned out to mean a whole lot more to me than I thought as well."

"I thought you were going to be just another Diva you know? You were arm candy material." He hit the bag a few times, gaze focused on it as it swung, "Instead you turned into this crazy, hilarious, funny, smart person who kind of understands me and infuriates me at the same time."

"Aw Dean, if I knew you were going to get sweet when your hung over I'd get you drunk more often." I cooed, seeing him stop and raise an eyebrow at me.

"And now the snarky bitch is back." He shot at me, the lopsided smile on his face softening the words.

"Ah there's the lunatic ass I remember." I declared, seeing him laugh, "Get back to working out, you're getting flabby."

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now