Chapter 21 Filling in The Best Friend

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  "Ok well first things first, did you win that match?" she grinned, arms resting over knees.

"Ya I think I did win that one." I thought about it for a second, smiling at the memory, "I think I took them down and I dragged Phil out of the ring."

"Phil?" she frowned.

"Well Punk isn't his real name, just like Lila's not mine." I explained see her nod.

"So he must be pretty indebted to you for that." She asked, her blue eyes focused on my face.

"No he really isn't," I shook my head, face falling, "Look I'll tell you everything that's been happening but you need to understand something. There's a reason I didn't talk a lot about it with you before."

"Like is this really going to bother you to talk about because we don't have to, I was just being curious." She waved me off, eyes wide with embarrassment.

"No it's no big deal. Ok you know that the whole thing is fake right, scripted?" I asked her, turning slightly to face her.

"Well obviously." She gave me a 'duh' look.

"Ya it really isn't." I blurted out, seeing her mouth drop, "I mean there is a script but with the Authority it's basically you get your matches and you wing it as best you can. We're all pretty good at making it look scripted though."

"Holy shit, wow I was not expecting that at all." She uttered, seeing my amused face, "So what does that have to do with not being around Phil?"

"Well I told you back then I was against the Authority and I still am but when I got back a few months ago I ran into Phil and we kind of joined up to stand up to them, " I explained slowly, gathering my thoughts, "And Shield at the time, Roman, Seth and Dean, were the guard dogs basically. So we fought against them until the Authority brought back Phil's ex-girlfriend AJ who hated me. So Phil promised me that he wouldn't go back to here because he didn't want to lose me but he lied and for a whole month before I found out, they had gotten back together."

"Oh that dick," she exclaimed, looking mad for me, "Tell me you kicked his ass for that."

"What made it worse was that I lived with him on his bus and the whole time I had no idea. On top of that I was dealing with returning feelings for Roman." I confessed, crossing me legs, swinging slightly.

"Like romantic feelings?" she grinned, and I shook my head, seeing her disappointment.

"There was never any romantic feelings between me and Roman. He was always just my best friend and there will never be anything more." I denied, seeing her raise an eyebrow, "Trust me Lisa, he put himself in the friend zone before I even had a chance to start liking him in that way."

"So there's no one there whose caught your eye?" she pried, and I frowned, thinking about Dean and Seth for a split second.

"Not really I guess." I shrugged, hearing the door, "Oh food."

"I feel like you're dodging the question." She called out as I stood up, grinning ear to ear.

Rolling my eyes I grabbed my wallet and opened the door, paying the guy and taking the food to the living room after shutting and locking it. Lisa still had a grin on her face as I unloaded the boxes, handing hers to her. We ate for a few moments before she turned to me, holding her fork in her hands.

"So how did you go from leaving Phil to talking to Roman again?" she questioned, twirling noodles around her fork.

I chewed quickly and swallowed before looking up at her, "It was honestly more Seth than Roman but seeing Roman all the time was getting hard for me. I couldn't just ignore him."

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora