Welcoming my new co-host!

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BEN: Doll? Hello? You down here? *looks under bed*

Sally: Dolly! Where'd you go?! *running around the kitchen*

Jeff: What are you two doing? ( ̄□ ̄)

Masky: Doll is missing and we're worried.

Jeff: Even BEN?

BEN: What? She's fun! Leave me alone!

Jeff: Have you guys tried asking Alice?

Others: (╯ ° □ °) ╯ No way!

Jeff: (≖ ︿ ≖ ✿) So, you're going to look for someone that isn't going to let themselves be found?

Hoody: Yes! Of course we are!

Jeff: *leans against door* You guys are so not going to find her if you don't ask A- *door is kicked open & he falls on his face*

BDR: I'M HOME!!! \ (◕ △ ◕ ✿) /

BEN, Sally, Hoodie, Masky: *hug me* DOLL!!!! (╥_╥) WE MISSED YOU!

BDR: (✿◠‿◠) Yay! I was missed! I missed my friends too!

Sally: Dolly, who is that? *looks past me*

BDR: OH! *rushes to the guy* (✿◠‿◠) Guys meet Homicidal Liu!

Jeff: WHAT?! *turns back abruptly* L-Liu. . .

BDR: (。・_・。) *stands in between them* No fighting please. I'd like both of you alive please.

Jeff: *pushes me into Masky & Hoody* 

BDR: ノ (゜ - ゜ ノ) Thanks for catching me guys. And what the heck was that for, Jeffy?! *turns to glare at him*

Liu: Hi, Jeff.

BDR, BEN, Hoody, Masky, & Sally: *watching in suspense* (⊙ ⊙) (⊙ ⊙) (⊙ ⊙)

Jeff: I'm s-sorry. *hugs Liu*

BDR, BEN, Hoody, Masky, & Sally: (╯ ° □ °) ╯

Liu: *jumps surprised*

Jeff: I'm so sorry. . .Please forgive me, Liu. I didn't mean to.

Liu: *hugs him back* Shh. . .Jeff it's okay. . .I'm here now. . .

BDR: (╥_╥) Lets leave the brothers alone for a bit and get to some dares. *pushes the others to Slendy's library*

BEN: Doll! Are you crazy?! We can't cause trouble here!

BDR: (✿◠‿◠) What Slendy doesn't know won't kill you guys!

BEN, Hoody, Masky, & Sally: ( ̄□ ̄)

BDR: Anyway, it seems I will not be able to do dares for Jeffy today! And I'm sorry I said no getting the pastas killed so AnimeWillLastForever, I can not honor the first dare! But her second dare is:

"I dare BEN to not play video games for a year."

BEN: This person hates me! (╥_╥)

BDR: Yeah, you seem to be the main target. (✿◠‿◠)

BEN: I say nay to the dare! I'd rather be a coward than lose my videogames again!

BDR: (¬_¬) Well that's no fun. Fine, next dares by Teh_Hobbit_Fangurl:

"EJ...have my brother's kidneys.Please."

BDR: Sorry people, today is Jeffy's day off, but your dares will be accepted next time! So, EJ!!!!

EJ: What is it, Doll?

BDR: (✿◠‿◠) Someone has gifted you with kidneys!

EJ: *takes them from me & eats them*

BDR: (⊙ ︿ ⊙ ✿) Oh man. We've made a mess. How about we move to our last dare, and then run for our lives! Okay this is by GamerChix164:

"Anyway, my dare is for Sally. My favorite innocent character is Maria from Umineko. If Sally says "uuu" for an hour I will give her a dessert of her choice with ten dollars. Take it or leave it."




BDR: *covers her mouth* щ(ಥДಥщ) SHUT UP!!!!! Urgh!!!!

Masky: Doll? Are you okay?

BDR: ≖‿≖ Yeah.

Masky: (◕‿◕✿) Okay!

Hoody: Why did you bring Jeff's brother, Doll?

BDR: (✿◠‿◠) I met him while I was out shopping, we got to talking, I told him about the manor. About Jeffy, so we came here, and now they're all made up! Oh, and he's mine and he's also my other co-host besides Alice!

BEN: ( ̄□ ̄) Why didn't you bring a girl?

BDR: (。・_・。) I'm not interested in women.


BDR: (✿◠‿◠) Anyway, while Jeff & Liu rekindle their brotherhood I will have to call this a night, and I promise Jeff's unfinished business will be taken care of next time! See you!

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