Doll's Cold

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Note: I'm not being mean or rude for real, I'm just typing up Doll's personality the same way I would react when I catch a cold. So I'm sorry if I offend anyone, this was not intentional, it was just meant to be realistic a bit!


Liu & Jeff: Eh?! Alice, what are you doing here?! O_O

Alice: *giggles* Mistress has a cold, so I'll be taking her place today.

Jeff: Oh no. T_T

Liu: What?! Doll has a cold?! Oh no! *rushes off to my room* Doll!

BDR: Huh? *sniffles* Oh, hi Liu. *said in a nasal voice*

Liu: You got sick, are you okay? Should we skip this until you get better.

BDR: No w-wa-a-achoo!!!! *blows nose* No!

Liu: Okay, so then we'll do it from here! Jeff!!

Jeff: *runs in* T^T Why must you be sick today! I don't want Alice to host this! She'll do something twisted to us!

BDR: Ah, okay, okay, you can do the show in here. *too tired to complain*

Liu: Jeff, here you read this. *shows him notecard*

Jeff: *sighs* Okay, this is from Gamerchix164:

"Page, you'll like Dren. Just don't play hide and seek with her. If you do, take away any and all sharp objects. Jeff, you better be nice! Anyway, I have a question for Slendy. How far can you stretch those tentacles of yours? And here's a few links:,,"

Jeff: Hey, Slendy! Get in here!

Slendy: *comes in wearing a pink apron* What, Jeffery? I was making chicken noodle soup for Ms. Doll.

Jeff: ._. *tries not to laugh*

Liu: Mr. Slenderman, we were wondering how far your tentacles stretch.

Slendy: As far as I need them to go.

BDR: So they can reach another country? *sniffles*

Slendy: Ms. Doll, you should be resting. Not doing this.

BDR: I'm fine. There are videos, right?

Liu: Yeah, here, look. *shows me the first video*

BDR: XD Nice voice Jeffy!

Jeff: DX That's not me!

BDR: Nothing, I can only see the last video. . Woo! Slendy's song! *coughs*

Jeff: Easy, Doll.

BDR: (。・_・。) Okay, I will.

Jeff: What?!

BDR: Nothing. ^-^

Sally: *jumps up on my bed* Dolly! I heard from Slendyman that you're sick! I brought Dren too, but she won't come in.

BDR: Oh yeah, Jeffy look at your formly adopted kid.

Jeff: Eh, *looks over at Dren* Hey, kid.

Dren: *hides behind the door*

Jeff: ( ̄。 ̄) Liu, just move on.

Liu: *sighs* Alright, next up is LovePDC:

"Hi doll page and shyler are sleeping so I get to do whatever now so I have to make my dares quick 1. I dare jason to leave travis and ryan alone for a week ( x) sorry jason but there was a catch on spending the day with travis) 2. ryan travis gave a fun time, here doll *hands you 200 dollars* give this to ry and trav 3. I dare- *hears a crash and thud upstairs* pages: EW WHY WERE YOU SLEEPING NEXT TO ME *another crash* Shyler: aaahhh!! I'm sorry!! Me: *sigh* nevermind about the 3 dare I have to go break up another fight oh and page is ready to come over ands she looks like this Hair: light caramel brown medium length eyes: electric blue hight: 5'7 so remember she hates cuteness and she is my killer/tomboy part of me so keep her away from alice Thanks Doll bye *goes upstairs* Me: AAAHH!! PAGE WHAT DID YOU DO TO SHYLER!!  -_- *sigh* apparently shyler is coming too if thats all right she wants to see how cute sally and dren are shyler looks like Hair: light blonde and her hair goes all the down and touches her back legs Eyes: absinthe green 5'5 she is my girl/psycho side and she will come over will a cast on her arm because page just broke it Thanks doll now I have to go and rap up my arms"

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