Count Down Begins

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BDR: Another new day has come! As we near the end of this! But not for long! Someday I will start a new one!

Rose: Oh don't talk like this is goodbye! ToT

BDR: It's not. I'm just giving a heads up. It's not bye. . .yet. ≖‿≖

Rose: Okay, I understand!

BDR: Now, Rose. . .why do you have that big purple shirt?

Rose: Cause I'm wearing a Japanese School Swimming Uniform! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

BDR: Stop reading my mail before I get it! Hmph! Okay, first up is Jade-the-Wise:

"Susy: our dares were ignored... Now EJ has to marry me Dawn: You know that's against the rules! Susy: fine.... Sally plz kick Jeff and BEN in the balls for me Dawn: what about EJ? Susy: YOU MUSTN'T HURT MY EJ! Dawn: okay... Rose, I would like to see you in lingerie Susy: pervert Dawn: LIKE YOUR ANY BETTER! Susy: but at least I'm straight Dawn: so am I! I only chose Rose bc he's the only one that'll do it willingly. Plus, I have have decided to give poor Jeffy a break Susy: *sarcasm* ok... I want someone to give daddy a face! Dawn: daddy? Susy: Slendy Dawn: oh... Uh... That's it I guess. Me and the weirdo are leaving now. BYE BYE! Susy: you're weird too..."

BDR: ಠ_ಠ What the hell is up with the ball kicking?! I thought I'd heard the last of it in middle-school! Oh whatever! I'll just do it. JEFFY!

Jeff: Wha- (✪㉨✪)

BDR: Well that is one weird face after being kicked. Okay, moving on. Banana. . .

Rose: I'll wear it next time! (≧ω≦) Just pick a color! Any color!

BDR: Slendy, where is Slendy.

Rose: He read your mail.

BDR: *smacks forehead* Okay, I need better guarding with my mail so nobody reads it before me! Okay, next up is. . .

Rose: (つд`) The many time name changing The-CreepypastaThing is saying goodbye to us as well!

BDR: Oh, that's too bad. Oh weel! Thanks for sticking with the craziness all this time! Okay, now Banana, move to the next person!

Rose: Next is uh, well I can sorta understand what this is saying. It's from EyelessJake:

"Oh Alice whyed are you going to wipe out the human race because so I you doing will gaunt you and annoy my dares Jeff I dare you to learn magic and do a magic trick I dare lui to still candy from LJ I Dare LJ to rob a candy shop if you do I'll give you taffy also sally Danny he's your new friend Danny h.hi s-sally can sally come over for a play date with Danny shows supernatural teddy bear"

BDR: This would make a lot of sense if English isn't your first language. Anyway, she's not wiping out the human race cause I'm not letting her out of my head. Jeffy, learn magic.

Rose: Jeffy is still in pain and can't move. ._.

BDR: I didn't kick him that hard!

Rose: That is a man's weak spot.

BDR: Okay, Liu!

Liu: Yes, Doll?

BDR: . . .I like your scarf. ^-^

Liu: Oh thanks. *smiles*

BDR: Anyway, moving on to LJ! LJ! Steal candy from a candy shop.

LJ: Don't wanna. I have my own delicious candy.

BDR: We're nearing the end and you guys are bigger bums than usual. ( ̄。 ̄) And, no Sally can't leave. But the bear can come over. Okay, next!

Rose: Okay, this is from AdrianTheKiller54:

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