Easy Day

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BDR: Well these are going to be easy days.

Liu: What makes you say that?

BDR: Since I'm giving a twenty four hour limit there will either be one to none in dares and questions!

Pastas: *cheer* ∩(︶▽︶)∩

BDR: Well I'm glad you're all happy.

Liu: Doll?

BDR: Alright, lets move on to the only person who did this on time! Miss Jade-The-Wise:

"Dawn: wear black Susy: kinky. Dawn: *winks* exactly Susy: it's almost over! *cries* Dawn: I know! Susy: Daddy! I miss you! Come back! T^T Dawn: so weird... Susy: Daddy! Can you dance? You don't have to dance, I just wanna know if you can Dawn: BEN. Why are you so easy to pick on? Same to you Jeffy. You are supposed to be Bad A** killers. Not sissy boys who do what they're told. Susy: Alice, I admire you and your wish to control and kill your mistress *smiles* Dawn: O~O uh... Susy: bye bye!"

BDR: Banana, are you dressed?

Rose: *comes out* Yep, what do you think? (◕‿-)


Pastas: (◕//////◕ ✿)

Sebi: Alright, Rose, you had better change yourself into some actual clothes!

Rose: Awww, but it's a dare. Don't worry you can take it off when we're in our room. (◕ ω ◕ ✿)

BDR: Kyah! Yaoi! *giggles* Okay, next up is Slendy! Someone has a question for you. Are you back?!

Slendy: I'm here, child.

BDR: AH!!! Okay, Slendy, can you dance? You don't have to dance. Susy and Dawn just want to know.

Slendy: I haven't danced in many millenium, so I can't say if I still remember.

BDR: *mumbles* Damn he's old. Alright, next up is BEN and Jeffy!


BDR: (╯◕_◕)╯ Chill girls. Not my fault. At least Alice doesn't live in your heads.

Alice: And I only make it that much more fun. Don't you enjoy my doll house? I made it for you.

BDR: Yeah, it's so fun seeing headless dolls hanging by mini nooses above my head.

Alice; *giggles* But it helps break you.

BDR: *shakes head* And Jeffy and BEN that still doesn't answer the question.

BEN: In this place we don't seem to have control of our actions.

Jeff: Ever so rarely we do. But I'm still not afraid to kill ever last one of your readers.

BDR: That's better ladies! My world! My rules! \ (◕ ω ◕ ✿) / And this is all for the day, so this is a conclussion for the day. Remember this is a daily thing up until either the 20th of August or the 25th, when I officially start college! So until next time!

Jeff: I hope these days go by fast!

BEN: Yeah, I'm tired of the abuse!

BDR: Bye all.

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