Chapter 1

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Those foul lothesome evil little cockroaches. The Order. I NEED revenge.

You might be asking what's going on. Here is what happened......

I was just walking down to my parents house like I usually do in the morning. I got onto their street. I stopped. My mouth dropped open. I gasped. My heart started beating faster. The whole street were gathered outside the house. There were two ambulances and a couple of police cars. I ran over.
"Can someone please tell me what has happened?" I shouted over all the chatter. No one heard me. I walked over to an officer.
"What happened?" I said.
"Are you related to Mr and Mrs Granger's?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm their daughter." I replied. His face dropped.
"I'm really sorry but......" he didn't get to finish I saw some paramedics wheeling out two bodies in body bags. They were dead.
"What happened?" The tears were streaming down my face.
"Are you Hermione Granger?" He asked reading the name from an envelope.
"Yeah." I replied. He handed me the letter. He walked away to give me some privacy. I turned it over and opened it. It was written on a piece of parchment. It said:
Dear Hermione,
We are so sorry about your parents. We had to kill them it was for your own good. You were always to distracted by them. We hope that you can forgive us.
From The Order.

I'm gonna kill them. But not just yet. After everyone left I decided that I needed to go somewhere quiet. I walked to an abandoned alley and apperated to Diagon Alley. I saw a few people from school down the road. Before they could see me I turned down into Knockturn Alley. Me, being the bookworm I am, went to the bookstore that sold books about dark magic. I went to the back of the store. There was no one inside. I picked up a random book and sat down at the back of the room.

I was so engrossed in the book that I almost didn't hear the door open. I looked up to see Lucius Malfoy. He looked at the books on the shelves as he ran his fingers down the spines. He worked his way to the back of the store. He saw me.
"What is a muggle born like yourself doing in a place like this?" He said.
"Reading." I answered.
"I can see that. But what I meant was what are you doing down in Knockturn Alley? Aren't you supposed to be The Orders 'Golden Girl'?" He asked.
"Yeah I was." I replied.
"Was?" He asked confused.
"I don't want to talk to them after I found out that they killed my parents and then left a letter telling me that they were a distraction to me and it was for my own good." I said. He looked at me sympathetically.
"Do you have a place to stay? Any other relatives?" He asked.
I shook my head.
"Do you want revenge on The Order?" He asked me.
"Obviously." I replied like it was the most obvious thing ever.
"Join us. Come and stay at Malfoy Manor. Join the death eaters. Get your revenge." He said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes." He said.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said. "But what do I tell The Order?" I asked.
"Tell them that you are staying with some relatives." He said.
"Thank you!" I squealed.
"Go on go and get your things and meet me back here in an hour." He said.
"Ok. Bye." I said.
"Bye." He replied.
I apperated to Grimmauld Place.
"Hermione Dear is that you?" Came the voice of Molly.
"Yes Molly." I replied.
"Are you ok?" She asked. My parents are dead and she asks me if I'm ok.
"Yeah I'm fine." I replied.
"Erm. I've got to go and stay at some of my relatives in the muggle world. If I don't they will put me in care." I lied.
"Will we still be able to see you?" She asked.
"I'll try and visit as much as possible." I lied. "And please don't send that many owls because they don't know that I am a witch." I said.
"Ok dear." She said.
I walked out of that room and to mine and Ginny's shared room. I walked in and Ginny was crying Fred and George were there too I looked at their faces and they were all crying.
Ginny looked up at me.
"Mione. We are so sorry. We tried to stop them. They didn't listen to us. We tried to protect your parents but they used the imperious curse on us and made us watch." Ginny said.
"They did WHAT!" I shouted.
"They used the imperious curse on us. Tonks too. All because we tried to save your parents." Fred said. George got up and hugged me.
"Guys I've got to get my things." I said. I cast a spell that gathered all of my things and put them all neatly into my bottomless beaded bag.
"Where are you going?" Fred asked.
"I'm going to stay with my aunt and uncle." I lied.
Ginny put up a silencing charm up.
"Where are you really going? We know that you don't have any relatives." She said.
"I can't say. I'll talk to them and then I might be able to tell you." I replied.
"Ok just stay safe Mione." Fred and George said together.
"I will. I've got to go I'll see you guys later. Bye." I said before hugging the Three and then apperating to Knockturn Alley.
I walked back to the bookstore and entered.
I was stood there for about a minute before Lucius apperated in.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Yep." I said.
Lucius put out his arm to me I held on. I felt my stomach do at least 50 backflips. We landed. I looked up to see a beautiful huge Manor. Malfoy Manor.

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