Chapter 42 ---rewritten

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(Ok so pretend the last Chapter 42 wasn't written at all I've got bigger ideas for the 11 years later part)

After a few weeks of bringing the twins home and finding out that I'm a Riddle my life had completely changed. Draco and I spent most of our time looking after the twins and also letting them play with their aunt who is a year older than them. We had a big celebration for Ambers first birthday. All of the babies had their Malfoy blonde hair and grey eyes. It was honestly the cutest. In the past few weeks I've also gotten to know my father and I've learned the truth about his past and the reasoning behind all that he did.

The truth is, my father's not a bad person. He was just a regular guy who was happy to start his family and then Dumbledore stole that away from him. James and Lilly Potter helped steal me away from him when I was a baby and that's why he wanted revenge on the Potters and that's why he attempted to kill Harry Potter. They took his child. So he attempted to take theirs.

My father isn't that bad when you get to know him. Draco and I have been in the library and we have been looking for a spell that will make him look human again. It took a long time but eventually we found it and now my father has his old features back. His dark hair, his chocolate brown eyes and his button nose.

I have a brother, a twin actually, that was also taken we still don't know who he is however we are also looking for him. Dumbledore places him under a new name and a glamour charm so he could be anyone. We are close to cracking the spell that will reveal his adoption papers and his adopted identity. I was told his name was Toby Blake Riddle but my father and I would let him decide what he wanted to be called since he's been called a different name all his life.

It's a Saturday morning, around 8:15am and I've gotten into a routine where I get up, check on the twins, and then go to the library to look for my brother. Today felt like it was going to be a good day. The twins were still peacefully asleep when I checked on them so I closed the door and went to the library and sat down in my usual spot. My father was already in there.

"Good morning darling." He said.

"Good morning dad." I said smiling at him.

"How are the twins?" He asked. He loves the twins so much he's an amazing grandfather.

"They're great. Still asleep." I replied. "Any luck finding a spell?"

"I think I've found one it requires a map and two different types of blood both related to the person we're looking for. It's a locator spell of sorts. It'll show where all living relatives are in the world." He explained to me. Placing a map on the table.

"Ok let's try it." I said. I dropped a bit of my blood onto the map spread across the table. My father did the same.

He started muffling incantations and the blood droplets started moving across the page. They both landed in the same spot. England. The blood was too smudged to see an exact location. So we pulled up a map of England. We did the exact same again.

I don't think the spell worked as it went straight to Malfoy Manor.

"Dad I don't think it worked. It's supposed to mark the location of all living relatives. It's pointing to here. That's me and you. Unless...." I trailed off. I pulled up blueprints of the manor. "Try the spell one last time..."

We did the spell a final time. It had three locations. Two in the library and one somewhere else in the manor.

"Where is this?" Dad asked me.

"Blaise's room......"

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