Chapter 4

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We all went back up to the house to have dinner. The Weasley's were being sore losers. It was so funny.
"You should seriously try out for Quidditch when we go back Mione." Ginny said.
"And I will. What should I go for? Seeker or Keeper?" I asked.
"Seeker." Everyone but Blaise and Draco said.
"We don't think you should try for seeker because I'm a seeker for Slytherin and you would whoop my ass and we would never win a match." Draco said.
"Awww. I'm gonna try out." I said.
We all burst out laughing.
When we all finished we were cleaning up after ourselves when Lucius came in.
"Weasley's and Tonks. The Dark Lord would like to talk to you." He said. The four of them left.

Ginny POV

Me, my brothers and Tonks walked to The Dark Lord's office. I knocked.
"Come in." We heard.
I opened the door and we all walked in. We all took a seat opposite his desk.
"What makes you want to join our ranks?" He asked.
"We hate the Order." The twins said in unison.
"And why is that?" He asked.
"They used the Imperious curse on all of us." I said.
"And they made us watch Hermione's parents die." Tonks added.
"What can you offer to our ranks?" He asked.
"Well we all are really trusted by everyone in the order." I started.
"We know what they are like. Their Strengths." Fred started.
"And their Weaknesses." George finished.
"And we know where their Headquarters is." Tonks said.
"Well then. Welcome to the ranks. You will get your marks at the end of the school year with Draco, Blaise and Hermione." He said.
"Thank you." We all chorused.
"You may leave." He said.
We all got up and walked out of his office.

Back to Hermione's POV.

Draco, Blaise and I waited in the living room for the others. After about 10 minutes they came in.
"So??????" I asked.
"So we are getting our marks with you guys at the end of the school year." Tonks said.
"Cool." Draco said.
"Talking of the school year. These came before." Blaise said holding up seven letters.
He handed us our letter.
Mine said:
Dear Miss H Granger,
           I would like to invite you back to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry for your 5th year. We hope to see you soon. Term starts on in 2 weeks.
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Head Mistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"I don't want to go back this year." Ginny said.
"Why?" Draco said.
"Because we are in Griffindoor and we have to put up with Harry and Ronald." She explained.
"I'll make sure I'm extra horrible to Potter and Weasel this year." Draco said. We all chuckled.

Time skip. 2 weeks later. 6:30am.
"GET UP! YOU ARE GONNA BE LATE!" Came the loud voices of Narcissa and Lucius. I rolled out of my bed and yawned. I put my slippers on and rubbed my eyes. I walked out of my room and saw that the others were all still looking really tired.  We all went downstairs to eat our food.
After about 30 minutes we had finished our food.
"Ladies and twins the Dark Lord would like to see you."

Oooooo cliff hanger. I know that it is sooooo much shorter then the other chapters but here it is. Hope you enjoy it I'll try and update soon though.

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