Chapter 27

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I kept reading.

Chapter 2 - Second Year.

In the trio's second year, a part of the castle that was made by Salazar Slytherin, The Chamber of Secret, was opened.

Tom Riddle had left his diary and had a conversation with Harry.

Ginny Weasley was possessed by the Dark Wizard and had to have Harry and Ron come and save her. At the time Hermione was petrified along with other students after a Basalisk was slithering its way around the school.

Harry managed to kill the basalisk with the Sword of Gryffindor. Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout managed to make a cure using Mandrake.

Chapter 3 - Third Year.

This year Harry, Ron and Hermione found that Sirius Black was innocent and that Peter Petigrew, who was posing as Ron's rat Scabbers, was the guilty one.

They freed the Prisoner of Azkaban and saved a hippogriff called buckbeack.

Whilst Ron was in the Hospital Wing after being attacked by a Werewolf AKA Remus Lupin, Harry and Hermione time traveled back a few hours and managed to save Buckbeak and then they managed to fly to Azkaban and break Sirius Black out.

Chapter 4 - Fourth Year.

It went on and on about what happened in 4th year with the Tri-Wizard Tournament. How Cedric Diggory was killed and how the Dark Lord was reborn.

The next chapter was all about what happened in fifth year. About DA and how we were 'brutally tortured' by Death Eaters.
And how The Dark Lord attacked Potter and Dumbledore. And then how Bellatrix killed Sirius Black, I smirked reading this bit.

The next chapter was all about what happened in our sixth year. Potter finding the Half Blood Prince's Potions Book and how Snape killed Dumbledore.

And the next chapter was about we all went Horcrux Hunting. How Weasel left us. How we hardly destroyed anything.

The next chapter was all about the war. How me and Ginny, Fred and George all changed and showed their Dark Marks to our 'friends'.

I put the book down. book was incomplete. That meant that Rita Skeeter must of died. Well thank Merlin for that.

I looked around me it was really dark.

I got up and walked to my room.

I flopped down on my bed. May things were running through my mind like:
What will it be like when Narcissa has her baby girl.
Or what will it be like when we run into the rebellion again.
And the last thought was Draco.
We kissed and then got kidnapped. We haven't really spoke today.

I'll talk to him tomorrow.

I drifted off into a deep sleep.


"Tell us where the Death Eaters are?!" The Weasel shouted at me for the 100th time.

"What part of NO don't you get?" I shouted back.

He punched me.

"I'm gonna ask you again! Where are they?!" He shouted.

"I'm not telling you anything!" I shouted.

"Dean! Do what we discussed before." He said harshly.

"But its Hermione!" Dean said.

"DEAN DO IT!" Weasel said.

"I can't. She has never done anything to hurt me." Dean said.

"She went behind all of our backs! She is one of them. She's a Death Eater." He shouted pulling up my sleeve to reveal my Dark Mark.

"I ... I can't..." he said.

"Move get out of my way. I'll do it then." The Weasel said. H grabbed a knife out of Dean's hands and walked over to me.

He grabbed my arm. I tried to wriggle away but I was strapped down and I had a body binding charm on me. I couldn't move.

He called the word 'TRAITOR' on my arm.

I screamed and screamed.

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