Chapter 17

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After The Weasels arrival I went back inside to warm up.

What an idiot. He shows up after weeks and all he can muster up is 'hey' like who does that?

I got into one of the bunk beds and fell asleep.

When I woke up it was morning.

We were going to be moving the tent today.

We packed up the tent and everything we needed.

The boys held on to me as I apperated to another forest.

"I'll sort the tent." Potter said.

"I'll do the barriers." The Weasel said.

The Weasel stopped.

"What is it Ron?" Potter said.

"Hello Beautiful." Came the voice of Scabior the snatcher.

Potter and The Weasel started to run so I followed.

"What are you waiting for? Snatch 'em!" Scabior shouted.

Snatchers came out from behind trees and started to chase us.

With a spell The Weasel was tied up in chains.

I kept blocking spells as I sent some.

After what felt like hours the snatchers had caught us.

Scabior took one look at the o' so famous Harry Potter.

"Change of plan. We ain't taking this lot to the ministry." He said.

Great. Potter got my good tent out. That's gone.

The snatchers apperated away with us.

Within minutes we were stood outside of a beautiful Manor.

Oh. My. Godric Gryffindor.

Its Malfoy Manor. When we got to the gate Bellatrix was there. She grinned as Scabior showed her Potters scar.

"Get Draco." Bellatrix hissed.

We were dragged through Malfoy Manor. We were brought into one of the empty rooms of the Manor.

Narcissa and Lucius were there. I've heard that Rudolphus is at Hogwarts with Ginny, Draco, Blaise and The twins.

"Put the boys in the Cellar. I want to have a little conversation with this one Girl to Girl." Bella said. It took everything I had not to just hug her then.

Narcissa grabbed the boys by their collars and then sent the snatchers away.

I was pulled into a huge hug by Bella and Lucius. When Narcissa came back I was pulled into another huge hug.

"We've missed you so much." Narcissa said.

"I missed you guys too." I told them.

"Draco is on his way." Bella said.

"When will he be here?" I said. 

"He should be here any second." Lucius said.

There was a pop in the room meaning that someone just apperated in. I turned around and saw Draco.

I ran over to him and hugged him. He spun me around.

I kissed him. I promised him I would so I did. I kissed him. And he kissed back.

Someone cleared their throats behind us. I turned around and saw Narcissa and Bella smiling and Lucius looking confused.

I'm so glad that I was back.

I spoke to soon.

Potter and the Weasel managed to break out of the Cellar. They grabbed their wands grabbed me and apperated away before I could say goodbye.

We landed at some kind of cottage by the beach.

We all walked in. Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour/Weasley were in there.

They showed us to our rooms and left us to get some rest.

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