Chapter 41

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The next morning Draco and I brought our twins home to Malfoy Manor.

They settled in quite quickly.

Everyone had gone back to normal doing their own thing, Lucius was in his Study, Narcissa was reading in the Library, Bella and Rudolphus were fixing Hogwarts up so they can have it reopened next year, Blaise and Ginny helping them, the twins and Tonks were at the joke shop and The Dark Lord was at The Ministry working as The Minister Of Magic.

Draco and I were playing with Amber, Emma and Scorpius. I loved playing with them, they are so cute.

We played for hours and hours before The Dark Lord apperated in.

"Hermione can I have a word please?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I got up off of the floor and followed The Dark Lord our of the room.

We walked to his office and both sat down.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"I wanted to tell you something!" He said.

"Yeah what is it?" I asked.

"Well about 18 years ago I had a daughter. She was taken from me 17 years ago by Albus Dumbledore. Her name was Hermione Marie Riddle. And today I was looking through some files and I came across yours. I think that you should read the rest!" He said.

He went into his top draw and pulled out a brown file and passed it to me.

I opened it.

The first document in there said:

Adoption Papers

Adopted Name: Hermione Jean Granger

Adopted Parents: Jean and Dan Granger

Biological Name: Hermione Marie Riddle

Biological Parents: Angel and Tom Riddle

I put the paper down and looked up at him tears in my eyes threatening to spill.

"Dad!" I said.

We both stood up and I walked around the desk. I don't think anyone expected what happened next but I hugged him.

"Now I expect you have a lot of questions?" He said.

"Just one! What happened to my Mother?" I asked.

"She died when she gave birth to you. They made her choose between you or her, and she wanted you to live."  He answered.


"Right I'll let you get back to Draco and your children." He said with an actual smile.

"Thanks...Dad." I Said.

I walked back to the living room to see Draco and the three kids playing.

I smiled at the sight.

Draco just noticed that I came in.

"Hey mummy." He said waving Scorps hand at me.

"Hey!" I Said back.

"Mione are you ok? You look like your about to cry?" He asked.

"I just found out that most of my life has been a lie." I Said.

"How do you mean?" He asked.

"I was taken from my crib at age one by Albus Dumbledore and then put up for adoption." I told him.

"Do you know who your real parents are?" He asked.

"Yep. My mother is dead. She died giving birth to me. And my father is The Dark Lord!" I Said.

"Well Your still the same Hermione I've known and loved for years. Even if your father scares the shit out of me."

We both burst out laughing and then went back to playing with the three babies.

Right I'm gonna end this chapter here because I'm a bit weirded out. Someone just sent to me:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Porn hub is down
Your Facebook will do.

So I'm gonna go and block him and I'll punch him when I see him tomorrow.

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