Chapter 7

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The next morning.

I woke up to Ginny bouncing on my bed.
"Get up. So we can go and get some food." She said.
I laughed.
I headed for the shower and then got dressed. Me and Ginny walked down to the Great Hall. There was hardly anyone there. Maybe a few first years. And then at the end of the Slytherin table sat the two people who bring the light to my world. We walk up behind them.
"Morning." I said and sat down next to Draco.
"Morning." He said.
Ginny did the same but sat next to Blaise.
"How are you two lovely ladies doing this morning?" Draco asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Good." Me and Ginny said.
"How are you two fine gentlemen doing this morning?" Ginny asked.
"Excellent." Blaise replied putting his arm around Ginny.
Fred and George came in.
"Hi guys." They said in unison.
"Hi." The four of us replied.
"We better get moving," Fred started.
"The Griffindoor's are coming down." George finished. I hugged Draco and waved bye to Blaise before walking to the Griffindoor table with Ginny and the twins.

Just as we sat down people started to pour into the Great Hall. We all ate breakfast and drank coffee.
Our first lesson was Defence Against the Dark Arts with Umbridge and Slytherins.
I sat down next to Ginny.
The twins sat behind us.
(A/N- they are all in the same year.)
I was looking at the new text book in front of me.
The door slammed open. And the clicking of high heels came from the back of the room towards the front.
"Ordinary. Wizarding. Level. Examinations. More commonly known as O.W.L.s." Came the annoying squeaky voice of Professor Umbridge. She told us to look at a page in the book. I turned to it. My hand shot up.
"Yes." She said.
"There is nothing in here about using defensive spells." I said.
"No dear. You won't be needing the spells. You are using a text book that had been approved by the ministry." She said.
"What if we need to defend ourselves?" Came the annoying voice of Potter.
"Student will raise their hands in my classroom. Mr Potter DETENTION." She shouted.
"Well I was just saying we need to know the spells to defend ourselves." He said.
"What would you need to defend yourself from dear."
She said.
"Oh I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort." He said.
"ENOUGH! He is not back." She said. I turned to Ginny and smirked a bit se smirked back and we turned to the twins they were both trying not to laugh. The rest of the lesson wasn't really that eventful.

After a few more lessons we all had free period. The twins, Ginny, Potter and the Weasel and I were all sat in the common room.
"What are you gonna do about that prophecy?" The Weasel asked Potter.
"We need an actual teacher to help us lean the spells we need to learn. Who could do it?" Potter said.
"I vote on you mate." Weasel said.
"Same." Me, Ginny and the twins said.
"Lets gather up a few others and then we can take the best to help us." Potter said.
"We'll start to gather people. Meet us all in The Three Broomsticks in an hour." Ginny said.
"Ok."Potter and the Weasel said before walking out.
"What do we do?" Ginny said.
"We gather up people who aren't that good at magic and we 'train them'" I said.
"Ok. Who isn't good at magic?" Fred said.
"Well there is Neville Longbottom , Luna Lovegood , Cho Chang, Colin Creevey, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan." I said.
"Angelina Johnson, Hannah Abbot, Lavender Brown, Dennis Creevey, Katie Bell and Susan Bones." Ginny said.
"Lee Jordan, Terry Boot, Michael Corner and Justin Finch-Fletchley" Fred and George said.
We all broke off and told all of those people to meet us in The Three Broomsticks. The four of us started to walk down a deserted corridor.
Blaise and Draco were walking the other way. They stopped in front of us.
"Oh. Hiya." They said.
"Hi." We all said.
"Oh whilst you are all here, Mum sent an owl. She said that Bellatrix and Rudolphus are coming over in the holidays so they can meet you four so she knows not to kill you when you go to the ministry." Draco said.
"Can't wait." I said.
"Are they really as crazy as everyone says?" Fred asked.
"Not really." Blaise answered.
"Wicked." The twins said.
"We got to go but we will see you in the Room of Requirements tonight." I said hugging Draco. Ginny was hugging Blaise and then the boys all just waved.
The four of us went to The Three Broomsticks. We went into the back room as it was where the meeting was being held. Everyone was there.
Potter explained everything. People started to sign up. I made sure that Me, Ginny and The Twins were on there.
"Ok. Great. Lessons start next week." Potter said.
We all went back to the castle.
"We have Defence Against the Dark Arts with Umbridge now." I said.
"Great." Ginny said sarcastically.
"Hey Harry how did your detention go?" I said making it sound like I cared.
"Look at what that evil cow did to me." He said showing me the back of his hand. It said, I must not tell lies.
"You should tell Dumbledore about that!" Weasel said.
He shook his head and carried on walking to the classroom. We all entered and Me, Ginny, Fred And George all sat as close to each other as possible.
"Good Morning Children. Today you will be using these special quills. You all must write: I must try my hardest during my OWLs.
I put my hand up.
"Yes dear." She said.
"You haven't given us any ink." I said.
"Oh you don't need ink." She replied. Someone at the back raised their hand.
"Yes?" She asked.
"How many times would you like us to write it?" He asked.
"Let's just say. However many times it takes to sink in." She said. "Now chop chop start writing."

I must try my hardest during my OWLs.
I must try my hardest during my OWLs.
My hand started to sting.
"Keep writing dear." She told me.
I must try my hardest during my OWLs.
I must try my hardest during my OWLs.
I gasped as the words I wrote on the paper are magically engraved into my hand, and that hurt like a bitch.
Let's just say I can't wait for the holidays.

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