Chapter 44

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After a while of me hugging my brother and crying in his arms, we pulled apart.

"What did the da... dad say when he found out?" He asked me.

"He panicked, he wanted me to tell you he couldn't do it, he didn't think you'd accept him." I sad looking down at our entwined hands.

"Of course i accept him, he's my father, and he's never done anything to hurt me and he's always been an idol of mine." Blaise said wiping away his tears.

Blaise and I sat there talking for another ten minutes before Blaise decided to go speak to our father. I went back to go check on the twins and to see if Draco was still asleep. I opened the door to the nursery and walked over to the two cribs.

My two babies were laid there wide awake sat up looking across the room to each other, giggling at each other.

"Good morning babies." I said.

I scooped Emma up in my left arm and then I walked to Scorp and picked him up in my left. I felt an arm scoop around my waist and a head lean on my shoulder. I didn't need to turn to see that it was Draco.

"Good morning beautiful." He said in a husky voice, and kissed my neck.

"Good morning." I turned around in his arms and handed him Emma and kissed him on his lips.

I was so happy in this moment in my life. I had my boyfriend, my two beautiful twins, I've found my father, and now my twin brother. Which reminded me...

"Hey, guess what..." I said bouncing Scorp on my hip.

"What?" He asked.

"Dad and I found my brother." I said smiling walking out of the room, Draco by my side.

"Really? That's amazing? Who is he? Where is he?" He questioned.

"Yeah we found him. He's speaking to our father right now." We were in the entrance to where everyone was eating breakfast.

"Do I know him?" I opened the door.

"I believe you do." We were greeted by Narcissa and Lucius with baby Amber, Bellatrix and Rudolphus, Fred and George, my father, Blaise and Ginny, and Tonks.

"Good Morning." We say. Blaise got up and took Scorp off of me and starting playing with him. I just smiled at the scene in front of me. Draco looked slightly confused so before he asked I said, "Blaise is my brother."

"Well I'm not gonna lie I didn't see that one coming." He said with a shrug. We both sat down and enjoyed our breakfast with our family.

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