Chapter 11

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After the Holidays we all returned to Hogwarts.
We all walked into the common room. We walked over to the Gryffindor notice board.

Quidditch Results

Beaters- Fred and George Weasley.
Chasers- Angelina Johnson and Ginny Weasley and Dean Thomas .
Keeper- Oliver Wood
Seeker- Hermione Granger.

Yay I'm on the team.
"Yes Hermione." Fred and George said. They put me onto their shoulders.
"All hail the new Gryffindor Seeker." The twins shouted through the common room. I laughed as they all gathered around.
"She's gonna be the best seeker Gryffindor has ever had." Ginny said.
I saw Potter walk out.
I smirked.

After everything had died down and there was hardly anyone left in the common room, Me, Ginny and the twins were all sat on the couch. No one else was in the common room.
"What do you guys want to do I'm really bored?" I said.
"Want to go to The ROR?" Ginny said.
"Yeah shall I send an Owl to the boys?" Fred asked.
"Yes." George said. Fred went up to his dorm. We waited for him to come back down.
"I sent the owl. Let's go!" Fred said as we started walking out of the door.

In The ROR we waited for Draco and Blaise.
"Hey guys." Came the voice of Draco. I turned around. Draco and Blaise walked over to us. Me and Ginny hugged them.
"So when do the Quidditch Results come out?" Blaise asked.
"They already are." Ginny said.
"Andddddd....." Draco asked.
"We're beaters." Said the twins.
"I'm a chaser." Ginny said.
"And I'm a seeker." I said.
"Congrats guys." Draco said hugging me.
Blaise hugged Ginny. I ship them so bad.


The school term went on and we went to the Room of Requirements to practice spells and to see who would be going. So far it was going to be Me, Ginny, Potter, Weasel, Fred, George, Neville and Luna. I think that's it. I don't think that anyone else is going.

Potter had been having dreams. He dreamt that The Dark Lord had his Grandfather Sirius Black. He was right.

It was a Friday and we were getting ready to go. I tied my hair up and put on a hoodie. I grabbed my wand and went down to the common room. Ginny and the twins were waiting.
"Potter and Ronald are waiting outside for Neville and Luna." Fred said.
"Ok let's go." I said.
We walked out of the common room. We all flooed to the Ministry. We landed outside the Department of Mystery. Potter went first through the door.
"Lumos." I said. Everyone else lit up their wands. We were all looking for the Prophecy.
"Harry this one has your name on it." Neville said. We all looked to Neville. Potter walked up to it. He put his hand over it.
"I wouldn't do that if I was you," Came the voice of Lucius Malfoy. "Hand it over Potter."
"Why should I." He said.
"Because I said so." He said. Really Lucius, Because I said so.
"RUN!" Potter shouted.
We all split up and started running. Lucius followed me. Rudolphus was after Ginny. Narcissa was after Fred and Bella was after George. Finrir Greyback was after Neville. Dolohov was after The Weasel. Scabior had Potter and Amycus Carrow had Luna.
"Hi Mione." Lucius whispered in my ear. "How have you guys been?" He asked.
"Good. How have you been?" I asked.
"It's been REALLY quiet without the house full of teenagers. How is Draco and Blaise?" He asked.
"They are good. We were talking this morning at breakfast." I said.
"That's good. How is school?" He asked.
"We have this new teacher. She is the worst. She is violent. She makes us write lines with these special quills and what we write scratches on our hand. She only does it to Gryffindor. She loves the Slytherins." I said. He let out a sigh. He was about to say something when a spell flew past his face. The Order were here.
He pushed me away as a spell flew our way. I wanted to fight for the Death Eaters but Lucius gave me a look telling me not to blow my mission. I went and stood in the darkness but I was seen by Scabior.
"Hello Beautiful." He said.
"Stupify." Ginny said.
"Ginny you are my hero." I said.
"NOOOOO!" I heard Potter shout. Me and Ginny both looked over to the shouting to see Sirius Black die. Inside I was so happy but I had to look sad. I turned to see who shot the curse it was The Dark Lord. He walked out to the main part of the ministry, Potter followed. There were spells shooting between the two until Dumbledore got there and pushed Harry out of the way. The Dark Lord shattered all of the glass in the room and made it rain down onto Potter and Dumbledore.

Stood at the other end of the ministry was Cornelius Fudge. His mouth hanging open in an 'O' shape.
After all this time (Always 😭) of him saying that The Dark Lord wasn't back, All he could say was,
"He's Back?"
Well No Fucking Shite.

Me, Ginny and the twins flooed back to Hogwarts. The Weasel, Luna and Neville stayed with Potter. I don't know what happened to the Death Eaters but I hope they got away. I'll write to Narcissa in a bit.

When we got back...
"I'm gonna send an owl to Blaise and Draco tell them to meet us in the Room of Requirements." I said.
"Ok." The others told me before I walked up to my dormitory.

Blaise and Draco,
           Come to the Room of Requirements in 5 minutes.

I used Ginny's owl Athena to send it.
I walked down to the common room.
"Ready to go?" I said.
"Yep. Let's go." Ginny replied.

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