Chapter 38

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"Oh shit?" I said out loud.

"Hermione I'm back." I heard Draco say walking into the room.

"In the bathroom." I shouted.

"Ok I'll wait out here!" He said.

"No come in!" I told him.

"Hermione do you know what's wrong with you?" He asked looking worried.

"Do you know what this is?" I asked him as I held up the pregnancy test.

"Is that a Pregnancy test?" He asked with a grin on his face.

I nodded with a massive grin on my face.

"Is it positive?" He asked.

"Yep." I squealed.

He lifted me up and spun me around both of us laughing.

"We're gonna have a Little Malfoy." I Said.

"I can't wait to tell everyone." He told me.

"Shall we go and tell them then?" He asked.

"I want to but isn't apperating dangerous for the baby?" I Said.

"Only when it's 3 Months plus." He said.

"Oh. Let's go then." I waved my wand and all of mine and Draco's things went into our bags.

"Ready?" I Said.

"Let's go." He held my hand and We apperated back to Malfoy Manor.

The entrance was empty. But we heard talking and crying coming from the living room.

Amber must be causing trouble.

We walked in hand in hand to the living room.

"Ah Hermione, Draco! It's good to have you back." Narcissa said trying to settle Amber down. It didn't look like it was working.

"Here let me try?" I Said going over to the small baby.

"Good luck." Narcissa said hurrying out of the room.

As soon as Amber was in my arms she instantly settled down.

"See your great with babies." Draco said.

"How do you think they will take the news?" I Said.

"I'm sure that they will take it well although Ginny might kill me." He said with a laugh.

I laid Amber down in her cot. She was flat out.

"Wow who got Amber to stop crying?" Fred said Walking in the room.

"Oh hey when did you get back?" He asked hugging me and 'bro' hugging Draco.

"Literally five minutes ago." I told him.

"Cool. How was the holiday?" He asked us.

"It was good." I Said.

"Right I'm gonna let you go and unpack." He said leaving the room.

"Let's talk to The Dark Lord first and then we will tell everyone else." I Said.

"Let's go."

We walked to The Dark Lord's office.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Enter!" He said.

We walked in and I could of sworn that his face lit up a little.

"Ah Hermione Draco, how did it go?" He asked.

"All dead!" Draco answered.

"Excellent! Excellent!" He said.

"I can't help but notice that your brains are full of thoughts?" He said.

What?? How does he know??

"I'm a Ligitimen." He said.
(Yeah I know I spelled it wrong don't judge me).

"Oh." I Said.

"So what is this news that you want to tell everyone?" He asked.

"Well. I'm pregnant." I Said.

"That's great news Hermione." He said. "Right I'll let you tell everyone the good news?"

"Thanks." We both Said before walking off to find where everyone is.

We walked out to the garden to see if anyone was out here.

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