Chapter 46

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Back to Hermione's POV

We're leaving for Paris tonight. That gives me 3 hours before we leave and I can't see my twins for a week. We had taken all of our suitcases down to by the front entrance. Draco was with Blaise and Emma and I was sat talking to Ginny with Scorp laying between us.

"Hey so what's the deal with you and Blaise?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows at her.

"Ok so I don't know how to tell him but, I'm pregnant." She said.

"Really!?" I squealed. "I'm going to be an aunt!"

She nodded.

"How far along are you?" I asked her calming down a bit.

"I'm about 3 months. I just don't know how to tell Blaise though. How did you tell Draco?" She asked.

"I told him as soon as I found out. I had literally just done the test and I showed him it. I'm sorry but how are you 3 months you're not showing at all?" I asked her in disbelief.

She rummaged on the table behind her and pulled her wand out. She waved it over her stomach and a small baby bump was revealed. "Glamour charm."

"How long have you known?" I asked her.

"I found out when I was a month along, I didn't know how to tell Blaise. I don't know how he'll react. I don't even know if he wants to have kids." Ginny said with a frown.

"Hey I know I've not known my brother properly for that long but I know that he'll be happy. He loves kids. You've seen how happy he gets when he's playing with Scorp and Emma."

There was a knock on the door and Ginny quickly charmed her stomach again. "Come in!" She shouted.

The door opened and the boys and Emma came in. They came in and sat down on the floor in front of us. Blaise picked up Scorp from my legs. Ginny looked and smiled at him. I put my hand on hers for reassurance.

"Whats up?" I asked, wondering why they're here.

"We're leaving in 5 minutes." Blaise said, smiling down at his nephew in his legs while playing with his small hands.

"Right we'll get ready now." I said leaning my head onto Draco's shoulder playing with Emma. The boys left the room with the twins most likely taking them to Narcissa and Bellatrix.

Ginny and I put on our shoes, grabbed our sands and left the room. We walked down the stairs towards the front of the house. My dad was there with Bella, Rudolphus, Lucius, Narcissa and the twins. Blaise and Draco were hanging the twins over to Narcissa and Bellatrix. We all said our goodbyes and apperated away.


Ok so this was just a filler chapter I'm sorry.
I can't tell if I should continue this book or just give up on it completely let me know if you actually enjoy my writing and I'll continue or not.

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