Chapter 18

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When I was fully rested up I went downstairs. Potter was talking to The Weasel.

"What ya talking about?" I asked.

"We have to go to Hogwarts. There is something hidden in the castle. It has something to do with Rowena and Helena Ravenclaw." Potter said.

"When do we go?" I asked.

"Now." Potter answered.

We all got ready and then apperated into Hogsmeade.

An ear splitting alarm went off. We hid behind some podiums.

Death Eaters started to look behind different podiums but before they could get to us the alarm set off again.

The Death Eaters ran away from us.

"In her Potter." Came an old haggard voice.

The three of us went in. He looked like Dumbledore. This must be his older brother Abafourth.

"What were you thinking by coming here?" He said as he came down the stairs.

"We need to get into the castle." Potter told him.

"Very well," he said as he turned to a portrait of Ariana Dumbledore, Dumbledores sister, "You know what to do!" He said.

She nodded and walked away.

After a few minutes she was walking back.

"Who is that? Behind her?" The Weasel asked.

The portrait door opened. On the other side was Neville Longbottom.

We walked through the secret tunnel.

"Let's have some fun." Neville said.

He opened the portrait door.

"Guys I've got a surprise for you." He said.

"I hope it's not Abafourth's cooking again." Seamus Finnigann said.

Neville moved out of the way to show Me, Potter and The Weasel.

Everyone stood up and clapped. We all climbed down the ladder.

Potter started to explain what was going on and that he had to find something hidden here in the castle.

"It could be Rowena Ravenclaw's Lost Diadem." Luna Lovegood said.

"Yeah but Luna that has been lost for centuries." Came the voice of Cho Chang.

Someone came running in.


She ran over to us and pulled me into the biggest hug ever.

"Wait until Blaise and Rudolphus see that you are Back. They haven't smiled or laughed since you left. None of us have. Have you seen Draco yet?" She whispered into my ear.

"Yeah I saw Draco when I saw Bella and Narcissa and Lucius. Where is Blaise and Rudolphus?" I said to her.

"When did you see them?" She asked.

"Yesterday. I was caught by snatchers and we were brought to Malfoy Manor." I said.

Someone cleared their throat.

"Have you guys done chitchating we have Horcruxes to find." Potter said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Were gonna Split up and look for it." Potter said.

"I'm with Ginny." I said.

"Ok everyone get into partners and start looking." Potter said.

We all split up. As soon as we were in a corridor alone Ginny stopped.

"Screw this. I'm not Horcrux Hunting. We are going to see Blaise and Rudolphus. And Draco should be back by now." She told me.

"Lead the way." I said.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me down to Professor Slughorns old office.

She knocked.

"Who is it?" Came a voice from the other side.

"It's Ginny." Ginny said.

"Come in." The voice said.

We walked in and Rudolphus was sat down at the desk.

When he saw me he got up and hugged me.

"Where did Blaise and Draco go? They were here before." Ginny said.

"I'll Owl them." Rudolphus said.

He wrote a quick letter and attached it to his owl. The owl flew out the window and was gone.

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