Chapter 21

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We ran to the court yard. The Death Eaters were entering.

"Harry Potter! Come to the Forbidden Forest! Sacrifice yourself. You have 1 hour." The voice of The Dark Lord said.

"I've got to go." Potter said.

Well no duh 🙄.

"Harry you can't." The Weasel said.

"I've got to Ron." Potter said.

"I'll come with you." He said.

"No stay here." Potter told him.

(A/N- Is it just me is everyone else thinking 'just kiss already'???)

Potter walked off to the Forbidden Forest.

After about an hour the Death Eaters minus Me, Blaise, Draco, Ginny, The Twins and Tonks were walking over the bridge.

"Who is that? Who is it that Hagrid is carrying?" Neville Longbottom asked.

"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" The Dark Lord shouted.

"Nooo!" Ron shouted.

"Stupid Boy! Now if any of you would like to join us come forward now." The Dark Lord said.

I looked at Ginny.

"Children. Come." Narcissa said.

Me and Ginny walked over to the Dark Lord.

There were multiple gasps behind us.

The Dark Lord hugged us. Then we showed everyone our Dark Marks. We went and stood by Narcissa and Lucius.

There were more gasps as The twins walked over. They did the same as us.

Tonks went next. There were even more gasps.

There was hardly any surprise when Draco and Blaise walked over.

When Draco came over to us he put his arm over my shoulder. Blaise did the same to Ginny. Draco kissed the top of my head.

Potter fell out of Hagrid's arms. He stood up. He saw us.

"TRAITORS!" He shouted.

The Dark Lord shot spells at him. He deflected them and sent more back.

I was duelling with The Weasel.

"CRUCIO!" I shouted.

He dropped to the floor screaming.

"That was for my parents. CRUCIO!" I said again.

He screamed again.

I did it over and over until he stopped moving.

"Hermione I think he is dead." Blaise said as he pulled me along.

Ginny was duelling Molly. She wasn't winning either.

"Your not my daughter you bitch!" She shouted.

"Avada Kedavra!" Ginny said.

Molly dropped dead on the floor.

I crucioed Kingsley Shackbolt until he stopped moving.

I looked around.

We all walked over to Narcissa and Lucius, Bellatrix and Rudolphus.

"Thank Merlin you are ok." Bella said.

Narcissa hugged us all.

"We should go and watch the battle between The Dark Lord and Potter." Lucius said.

"Let's go!" I said.

We all walked to the front of the school. Many people were gathered.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" The Dark Lord shouted.

Potter dropped down to the floor.

"Narcissa check to see if he is really dead." The Dark Lord said.

Narcissa walked forward to Potter. She checked for his pulse.

"DEAD!" She shouted.

There were cheers and laughter.

After everything that has happened, the only thing running through my head was, We Won.

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