Chapter 6

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The train ride was long and boring. We didn't really talk much. It wasn't fun without Blaise's humoured comments or Draco's funny jokes.
"So how were the rest of your holidays?" Potter asked us.
"They were the best. It was the most fun we have all had in ages." Ginny said.
Potter and the Weasel looked Jealous.
"It was that good that we were invited back for the next holidays." Fred said.
"Yeah that's gonna be fun." I said.
"So what is your aunt and uncles names Mione?" Potter said.
"Nina and Lucas." I said.
"Do you have cousins?" Weasel asked.
"Yep. Dylan and Ben." I replied.
"What are they like?" Potter asked.
"They are the best. They are like brothers to me. And it's really fun when we all had to squish into a room for a movie night." I said.
"Yeah those nights were fun." Ginny said. The twins nodded in agreement.
There was an awkward silence.
"How was your holidays?" I asked Potter and the Weasel.
"They were ok I guess. Although I have been having the nightmares again. And the fact that I was almost expelled for underage Magic didn't help." Potter answered.
"What are they about this time? The nightmares?" I said sounding like I was interested.
"Voldemort wants something. It's in the ministry. In the Departments of Mystery. It's a glass ball. I think it's a prophecy." Potter said.
"What are you going to do about it?" Ginny asked.
"We need to go and get it. Before he does." The Weasel said.
"How do you suggest we do that Ronald?" Fred said.
"I have no idea." He replied.
The rest of the train ride was spent in an awkward silence.

When we got there, we were greeted on the platform by Hagrid.
Students were flooding off of the train. "Wow Potter surprised they let you back here." Came the voice of Draco.
"Shove off Malfoy." The Weasel said to Draco.
"Piss off Weasley." Draco said.
I had to bite my lip to stop me from smirking. I looked at Ginny and she was doing the same.
"Something wrong ladies." Blaise said.
Potter and the Weasel both looked at us.
" no." I said trying not to laugh.
"Good." Blaise replied smirking. Urgh I wanted to punch him right now.
"Just shove off Malfoy. You too Zabini." Weasel said. 
"Ok. Bye." They said. They walked straight at us. We split and they both walked between us. Potter was talking to the Weasel and didn't see Blaise hand a note to George. I smiled.
"Lets go or we will be late." I said.
We all walked to the Great Hall. Professor Dumbledore introduced us to the new teacher. She looked awful. The only colour she was wearing was pink. Professor Umbridge. Dumbledore finished his speech and then came the four words that were like music to my ears.
"Let the feast begin." He said.
The food magically appeared on the table. We all tucked in.

1 hour later.

"Go back to your dormitories." Professor McGonagall said.

We all got up and walked to our common room. I told George to stay behind with me.
The others went on.
"What was the note that Blaise gave to you?" I said.
"I was gonna show you guys when we go to the common room but..." he said before giving me the note. It said.
Hey guys,
          Meet us in the Room of Requirements at 9pm.
From B. Zabini and D. Malfoy

I turned back to George. "Let's go to the common room." I said.
We went back to the common room and Potter and The Weasel had gone up to their dorm. Tonks was there.
"How's our favourite professor doing?" I said before I hugged her.
"Good." She replied.
"Where were you two?" Ginny asked.
"I was asking him about this." I said as I pulled the letter out of his pocket.
"Hey Mione!" George said because I went into his pocket.
We talked for a few hours until it was 8:45pm. Potter and the Weasel had gone to bed.
"Guys come on lets go meet the others." I said getting up of the couch.
We walked up to the seventh floor and into the Room of Requirement. After pacing a few times and thinking of Blaise and Draco the door appeared. We walked in and the boys were all there. We talked for a bit.
"So Potter and the Weasel are planning on us lot to go to the ministry to look for some glass ball, that's in the Department of Mystery." Ginny said.
"Wow my dad said something about the death eaters going there." Draco said.
"Cool." I said.
We talked until we were all tired. And then we decided to go to sleep. We went back to our dorms. As soon as my head touched my pillow, I was out like a light.

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