Chapter 32

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After a few weeks. Baby Amber was settling in nicely.

We all loved her so much. Bella once saw me and Draco playing with Amber and she said that we looked like a proper little family.

Since Amber has been here and she has us all running around for her, we have almost put the fact that there is a rebellion forming to the side.

The Dark Lord came in.

"Hermione, Draco. A word if I may?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I said as I passed Amber to Fred.

Me and Draco walked into his office.

"What's up?" Draco asked.

Ever since the war ended he has been a lot more relaxed and we don't have to talk so formally with him.

"I've heard information from my Death Eaters in Ohio that they have seen Ronald and Kingsley. Now you two as my most trusted Death Eaters are going to take them out once and for all." He said.

Awwwww were his most trusted Death Eaters.

"With all do respect, how are the two of us going to take out the Rebellion?" Draco asked.

"I have about fifty pollyjuice potions for each of you. Call it going undercover. You have a different one for each few you kill." He said.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"In a week." He told us.

"Ok." We said.

"You can't tell any of them where you are going. Tell them that you are going on holiday for a bit to get away from everything. I don't want them to blow your covers as I only have enough pollyjuice for the two of you." He said.

We said bye and then walked back into the living room.

"What did The Dark Lord want?" Ginny Asked.

"Oh he just wanted to see how we were doing." Draco said.

"Oh ok." She said and went back to playing with Amber who was still in Fred's arms.

"Right I'm gonna go and pack some of my things ready for next week." I said in a whisper to Draco.

"Ok. If you need me I'll be in my room, packing my things." He said.

We both walked up the stairs hand in hand and split apart as we reached my door.

I grabbed my beaded bag and placed the undetectable extendable charm on it.

I grabbed my wand and flicked it around and put things like water bottles, food, toothpaste and toothbrush, and clothes in.

I put it next to my bed and it seems Draco was a bit stuck on what to bring.

"Hermione?" He Shouted From his room.

"Yeah I'm coming." I said.

I crossed the hall and walked into Draco's room.

I laughed as soon as I walked in.

Draco was stood there scratching his head in confusion as clothes thrown everywhere in his room.

"What... happened?" I asked through laughter.

"I'm not good at packing." He stated.

"Yeah no kidding." I laughed even more. I shook my head and waved my wand. All his clothes were put into his backpack that had the undetectable extendable charm on it.

"Thanks Mione." He said.

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