Chapter 43

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My father and I stood there in silence for a good few minutes. We were putting the pieces together. Mr and Mrs Zabini have always treated Blaise as if he wasn't their own. And they kicked him out of their manor when we first started in our first year at Hogwarts, he's lived in Malfoy manor ever since.

"We should probably tell him." I said.

"No you should tell him, it'll sound better coming from you. You've always been close to him since you came here." My father said.

"Are you sure you don't want to do it." I asked him.

"Yes you go and explain everything. And then if he feels comfortable with it he can then come speak to me when he has his head wrapped around it. I don't want to bombard him." He explained.

I nodded my head and headed out of the library. I twisted and turned through the halls until I reached Blaise's room. My hands were shaking. The man behind this door was my brother. I've lived with him for years and I never even knew.

I brought my shaking hand up to the door and left three gentle knocks. I heard stumbling from the other side of the door. The door opened and stood a sleepy looking Blaise.

"'Mione. What's up?" He asked looking confused.

"Hey Blaise can we talk?" I asked. It took everything in me not to just shout it out and hug him.

"Yeah sure come on in..." He was still half asleep he started walking back into his room so I followed him in, closing the door behind me. He flopped back down onto his bed because he was still really tired.

I sat down on the side of his bed.

"What's up 'Mione? Have you had any luck finding your twin brother yet?"

"That's what I came in here to talk to you about." I said. Blaise was starting to wake up a bit more so he sat up in bed and he was now facing me. "My father and I found a spell, a locator spell of sorts, we dropped blood onto a map and it pointed to England. Do we did the same on a map of England and it pointed here to the manor. So my father pulled up blueprints of the manor and we tried the spell one last time. And it gave us the location of my brother. Here in the manor." I said hoping he'd catch on. 

"Yeah what does that have to do with me? Shouldn't you be talking to your brother......" he said trailing off at the end, finally catching on to my point.

"Do you get where I'm coming from here Blaise?" I asked, placing my hand on his.

Blaise was fully awake now.

"I'm your brother. Your twin brother. I'm a Riddle. The Dark Lord, Tom Riddle is my father?" He asked tears prickling at his eyes.

I had just noticed that the tears had just started to flow out of my eyes. I nodded in response to Blaise's question. He hugged me in a tight embrace.

It felt good to be in the arms of my older twin brother.

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